No luck with RTA'S

Okay, first the Tobecco RTA won’t read on the coil master ohm reader and now the bombus RTA won’t read either what I get is — on the ohm reader. So yeah, I thought it’s just an issue with the ohm reader so I stuck it on my mod… Ohms too high on the bombus… and then wouldn’t read the Tobeco at all… I’d say it was the smok mod I’m using BUT it read the dread RDA fine. Am I just cursed when it comes to RTA’s seriously. I know for a fact I loaded the coil in the bombus correctly it was freaking easy as crap LOL. I can’t have two DOA RTA’s back to back can I hahaha


That is possible.

Ok, when you put you coils in I assume you trimmed the tails. Even so, it is quite possible that your tail is touching the coil on the other side.

Also it is quite possible that your coil is to big or to high and it is touching the barrel on the inside after it is all put together.


The bombus is a single coil RTA and I trimmed the tails. bomb


What is the coil material and spec (all the wire details if you have them) also what mod?

It sounds like the contacts are not quite screwed down properly if you are getting high ohms if it was touching the barrel or shorting as dan suggested I would think you would get low ohms but anything is possible.

If you have a better pic that would help a little too.


Compare the length of your 510 to those that do work on your mod… I’ve seen differences and I do have atties that work on some mods and not on others. My Wismes Reuleaux has a pretty bad 510 connector for example and only the ones with a very long 510 pin will read out.
If the pin on your atty is adjustable, try to unscrew it a little and see if it works

Guess which atty works on my Wismec and which one doesn’t.


oh yes good point


DJLSB used to keep a sheet online with all the different lengths for that reason… maybe someone could post a link if they know where it is. I haven’t seen him on YT for ages, don’t even know if he’s still around.


Do you only have 1 mod? I’d try a different one with a better 510. Smok isn’t really known for the highest end 510 connectors…


I don’t think the pin is adjustable on this atty. I may be wrong, but I think the pin (screw) is what anchors the positive section to the deck. If she loosens the the screw, I have a feeling the positive side of the deck will become unstable.

Apologies if I’m talking out of my butt.



It will become unstable, it’s not a permanent solution but it is a way to see whether it’s the length of the 510 pin or something else.


I’m sending them to Dan, they are pre-built coils and I honestly have no idea how to fix it.


I’ve had a Smok tank that I had to add a homemade shim to get it to work, I used a pc of thin plastic from a blister pack and put in a hole with a hole puncher, then it worked like a charm!


I think my etna RDA came with a small plastic sheath to mount on my smok… didn’t even think about that.


I do think that’s probably used to avoid your tank from scratching your mod. It would minimally shorten your 510 pin. If it was too long, it just wouldn’t screw in all the way. I could be wrong though…


On some of these tanks where the leads are close to the barrel you need to precut the leads to make sure absolutely nothing is sticking out. I have a Bombus somewhere, stopped using it as the top of mine would not keep a seal so it leaked and could not find a way to fix it. I am not sure if it was the Bombus or not but had one that was very similar and the I had to precut the leads to get it to work. Does it read ok before you put the tank together?


No it wasn’t reading either way


Can you take a run of pics and post them? Esp your 510 connectors on the RTAs that don’t work vs the RDAs that do? I’m not well versed on this, but the folks who are may see something that will help.


If you mean you’re sending him a run of pics, disregard my previous suggestion! :grin:


Well, there’s two different ways to “take that”.

  1. It shouldn’t read anything, as there’s no coil there to be read.
  2. There could be a metal shaving left behind during the manufacturing process which is causing a short.

It all really depends on what the “–” is represents (on the mod readout).

If it’s just a “generic” error message, then it could conceivably mean either of the above.

You might try fully disassembling the atty, and checking around the peek insulators to make sure that there’s no metal shavings… Then, might as well rinse it down with hot water while it’s apart. Dry it all down, then reassemble to see if you’re still getting the same results.


With all this help… After a while… @authormichellehughes will be like…
