No luck with RTA'S

Don’t feel bad Michelle, I had to do the SAME THING. Better OUT, than IN I always say. Good for you.


sorry I had to go MIA for a while. My little people are at home today so it’s honestly hard for me to do much. They will be in school tomorrow. I took out the coil Dan and I were working on so I can’t do pictures of that … I’ll look at my Tobeco RTA to see if I left the coils in that one… I have about 40 minutes before the next kid takes over my computer LOL and I’m kicked to the old computer again so I’ll be back at 9 when they go to bed. Thank you all so much for the help I seriously hate asking but I would really like to figure this out if at all possible.


@Dan_the_Man I’m so sorry about your injury :frowning: back pain sucks really bad and I hope you feel better soon. I seriously appreciate you taking time to help me even when you were dealing with that. I seriously can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Get better. I’m not going anywhere LOL

@anon28032772 thank so much I do have the 24g spool of kanthal but I thought maybe a thicker wire would help. Yep you’re right though getting the thing up and working is smarter than learning how to build coils since I do have the pre-made ones to figure out how to get that sorted out first


thank you so much!!!


Yeah I have the V2 of the coil master. Had that thing around a few years :slight_smile:


Don’t break your bones dude, last time I fell from the stairs (snow) I broke my knee cap and with some stupid complications it took me out for almost half a year… take it easy & take care.


I slid off a wet deck last year and it took 9 months to get my shoulder right. The older we get the more it sucks too :frowning:


I can highly recommend both the Jackaroo (single 21700 or 18650) or an Aegis (choose a dual battery for convenience). They both have good 510 connectors that take even the shortest 510 pins, they even do pretty decent TC AND you can drop them from the third floor and they’ll still work, even if they fall in your toilet or sink.
Not only that, but they’re both very affordable mods too. They’ll last you for years (if not decades).


On my list for sure! She’s used to double batteries so probably need to stick with that for her… thanks so much!


I personally prefer the Jackaroo because it’s smaller and better for people with smaller hands but I do notice a little difference in battery capacity, even though it’s not a huge difference.
You gotta weigh off the pros and cons depending on your priorities. I bought both because I couldn’t make up my mind and both exceeded expectations. If I’m gone for more than 10h, I will carry spare batteries for both. 1 for the Jackaroo, 2 for the Aegis.


Been there, done that @authormichellehughes. You just make the jump, hit a couple of bumps, ask a few questions, learn, and BOOM, you’re making your own, slave to no one, and on the cheap.


Amen and Amen.

Me too.

You, my friend, are very welcome.

I feel ya. When I was in my early 30’s I worked in a furniture warehouse and fell from the top shelf (23ft) and landed face-first onto the concrete floor. I Shattered my right knee and my right elbow. That was some serious therapy for sure. The fall yesterday actually did something to my knee and I pulled a groin muscle so my mobility is seriously limited at the moment.

Thank you everybody, for the love and support. Best community of peeps ever.


2 3

Best I can do with photo’s


Okay. So it’s reading nothing on the Ohms Meter… smok mod says to high ohms… but the IPV works great and says 0.34 ?


Okay I have a working RTA LOL. Ironically after I set it up on the IPV I switched it back to the Smok mod and it’s reading fine. I wasn’t horrible I just had a bad ohm reader and smok didn’t want to read it hahahaha Now to figure out where I put the Tobeco RTA to see if it’s the same thing LOL


Damn! Sorry to hear it bro.
I hope you’re doing ok.

Thanks for the recommendation. :slight_smile:
I was thinking about that as I was reading through, but didn’t want to butt in.
Since the idea has been brought up though, I’d be more than happy to have a look at whatever she’s got (laying around in DOA status). You are free to share my info with her, or if y’all discuss it further… Of course she’s welcome to PM me, and I’ll get her the info so she can send them directly to me. Whatever works. :slight_smile:

I understand, and no rush!
Looking forward to seeing what you’ve rounded up though lol.

I’m guessing 10mg?

Feel better quickly my friend.


Hey bro. I’m glad you chimed in.

I should send just a couple. I actually have a few that work but they need your magic to work again.

A Tens unit is a little machine that sends electric pulses into your muscles for the temporary relief of pain. It works really well on a muscle that is all knotted up.

Thanks man


Awesome! Though I am not sure how I missed this. I wrote my last comments and promptly fell asleep at my desk. That was three hours ago. Yikes.


So one RTA down now the Tobeco one. Tried to do the same thing with this one but still getting ohms to low error? Any suggestions? Just noticed I have one coil with leads up the other with leads down, would that cause an issue like this?

tobeco 3 rta tobeco 2 rta tobeco 1 rta



  1. Is either coil touching the terminals aside from the legs?
  2. What is the stated resistance of the coil (on the box or the package)
  3. Have you tried removing one coil at a time to see if you can get a reading with a single?
  4. Are all o-rings/insulators installed and in good condition?