Nude Nicotine with huge announcement!

read this! i emboldened the important part for us!!!
this is from Nude Nicotines weekly newsletter:

Nonetheless, we wanted to update you all on our increase in order volume and frequency at the Nude Nicotine lab for all nicotine products. This is a beautiful milestone for us as it allows for our volume to single-handedly contract a manufacturing facility for the production of our individual lots. Okay, now that probably didn’t mean jack to you guys. Roughly translated - look for a significant drop in price for volumes of nicotine base in the very near future, along with a sizable upgrade to our nicotine-dedicated pumping equipment for larger throughput. We love upscaling!!!

in light of the problems we’ve all had with nicotine, this is good news as NN has always had beyond excellent nicotine, but their prices were oftentimes just a wee bit high…

EDIT: i forgot this: coupon code “PreBlackFriday30” will apply a 30% discount on all NICOTINE BASES! Applicable to all nicotine strengths (including 100mg/mL) and all aliquot sizes excluding wholesale and 1gal volumes. Remember, shipping is ALWAYS FREE on orders over $100 :slight_smile:


Ha I posted this in the discount section too !


Now there’s a 40% discount !!!

Coupon code is DontTrampleOnMe40
Good til Nov. 29th !!!


Looks like I was just in time ordering these for my nicotine storage…


i shop this site exclusively:

ive ordered hundreds of bottles with this company…always the best prices and not a single broken bottle, not one…and the always send extra droppers when i order bottles with droppers…check them out, you will understand…


So when are these prices supposed to come down?

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Umm, they were running this up until last night…

will apply a 30% discount on allNICOTINE BASES AND FLAVOR CONCENTRATES! Applicable to all nicotine strengths (including 100mg/mL),ARMOR v1 + ARMOR v2, and all aliquot sizes 500mL or below. Remember, shipping is ALWAYS FREE on orders over $100 :slight_smile:


I was referring to this statement…

Which would imply prices would go down and stay down.

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Ahh. See I thought you were actually interested in buying something. In which case a discount is actually just as good. Since money is money and all. :sunglasses:

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I passed on the discount to buy flavors instead and was hoping this lower price would happen shortly after so I could start stocking up. I still have 16oz of nicotine. So I am just curious if anyone knew when this lower price was supposed to happen.

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No clue…that statement was the result of a copy and paste from the NN newsletter.
They have excellent nicotine, so I’m watching and waiting for that price drop myself

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question is are they discounting because the expiry date will hit soon. If i’m buying for next couple years i need to know it is fresh

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I’ve heard about this for the second time, what does this even look like? Is it just lke that picture? That looks just like a regular cone cap?

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Just make sure you test their product.


I’m just wondering how this nude armor works and what it even looks like. My friend used nude nic and said the product was great customer service was terrible. Off his experience I’d never buy there.

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They top the bottle off with Argon.

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oh ok, I thought it was some sort of sealed bottle that had maybe a stopper in the top and you’d use a needle to puncture and then draw from or something.

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It is possible but the pics i saw last year didnt show anything like that.

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I’ve got a bottle of Nude armor coming. Might be here tomorrow. I’ll post pics when I get it.

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When I had to contact customer service, they responded and took care of me far far far more than was necessary… It was almost royal…