NY- 60 years of nicotine in deep freeze

dude - please publish that milk & honey recipe if you recreate it - I can’t produce anything that is even approaching nice with this flavor!


But what happens when you have to break open a liter bottle? Do you pour off 50 or 100 ml and put the original bottle back in the freezer? Now you’ve removed 100ml of liquid and replaced it with oxygen and the oxidization process can begin, even in the freezer.

I got this awhile ago (I think Session Drummer mentioned it). It’s Argon gas and you can use it to remove the oxygen. One can should last a long time. I also use it as my wife and I do a lot of DIY around the house and it’s great for half-empty paints, stains, etc cans to keep that stuff good a year down the road.



Lol lol :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


This New Yorker is a bit worried, however i think I’m stocked for about 5`6 years now. I may buy more next week but for now, I’m going to try and relax a bit.


I will transfer to glass then…I have 5 year old Chemnovatic that I repackaged into Boston rounds with a little head-room (no Argon) that is still crystal clear, tasteless, and every bit as potent.


Do you spray that directly on the nicotine ?


Sure: it’ll be Crunchy Nut Cornflakes tonight so maybe Milk & Honey can be tomorrow night.

I don’t have a nutty juice but Acetyl Pyrazine was the first flavour I grew to love: I hated it to start with, then realized it’s different depending how much I use.

Then the bottle ran out and I so I made a point of adding a 100mL bottle im the last order.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about a good juice to capitalize on the nuttiness of AP, and the Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cornflakes occurred to me last night.

That’s got plenty of nuttinesd, honey, I’ll use biscuit base for the cornflakes themselves and fresh milk - perfect chance for the Acetyl Pyrazine to strut it’s stuff in a mix with perfectly complimenting flavours!

I’ve actually got an empty box of the cereal on the floor in the kitchen, so I don’t know why it took me so long to decide that would make a good juice, but subconsciously it’s probably been floating around in my head a while.


It’s sold on Amazon as a wine (open bottle) preservative - it’s a heavier then oxygen (air) inert gas that just floats on top of liquid. Yes, just spray on top.


Good advice, I’ll take it! I’ve been nothing but a basket case lately about this whole mail ban thing. Mostly my anger at our government but it’s not doing me a bit of good. I’ll say sweet dreams to you and everyone, I’m tucking myself in. G’nite :sleeping:


Goodnight :hugs:


Ok, so my questions would be…
If you use the suppliers container in the freezer, then need to get some out:

  1. does the Argon mix in with the Nic when you shake the bottle to agitate the nic into the PG?

  2. Does the Argon have to completely fill the head space in the bottle or just enough to cover the Nic?

  3. If you took say 100ml out using a syringe, and kept the bottle upright, would a layer of Argon still be present on top of the Nic thus allowing to keep using that bottle for freezer storage?


All excellent questions actually :thinking:


Honestly, I haven’t utilized Argon yet. I believe it pours off into the air when you transfer the nicotine - it is inert so ingesting it would probably not be harmful (that is a good question). I 'm not sure how it could be used with wine unless it was safe - it sits just on top of the liquid and in-between the headroom and cap, so you don’t have to use much. I am just speculating here but taking off the cap and turning the bottle over just to release the Argon into the air when opening would dissipate it from the bottle before capping and shaking it to make sure the nic is distributed equally. Also, I am assuming if you transfer with a syringe it would remain intact on top of the storage bottle.


Thanks @HVPGH

Perhaps @SessionDrummer or someone else who uses it regularly would know for sure. Sure would make life easier if not tipping the bottle would keep the Argon in there…


Yes, just into the bottle. I learned the hard way that you have to aim it at the side of the bottle not directly at the nicotine…it comes out of the can very fast and hard.


Well, I’ve got a bunch in the original liter bottles as well and have been dwelling on what to do as well. In the past I always cut it down by at least half, then put it in 120ml, but like everyone else who is stocking up is finding out, that’s a lot of space being taken up in the freezer. Going to dwell on it some more.


My non-vaping nicotine gum (no cigs for 20 years) addicted wife (she is however supportive of my vaping habit) complains about me hogging the freezer - I have always been tempted to buy a little standalone freezer - if I didn’t live in FL and hurricane prone, I would prolly have one filled up with a couple decade supply - it is going to be quite the valuable commodity if things go this way for a long time (even if the law relaxes it is going to appreciate exponentially). Before my 90 year old dad passed he told me to invest in it…just saying.


Im thinking about moving to FL. i am so sick of shoveling snow . You definitely don’t have to shovel sunshine in FL. I have a job interview in Tampa in April…

I dont really shovel but im sick of watching someone ese shovel my snow :wink:


I’m from Pittsburgh and don’t miss it in the winter, yet I have never adjusted to hurricane threats - they are very scary.


Tampa is a short 60 mile drive for me, a commute I made daily for a couple years.