NYC Flavor Ban 2019 Call To Action

Here we go guys…if any ELR members are in the NYC area Wednesday Jan 30th at 1pm , please try to make it to this hearing. Even if you don’t plan on speaking…like CASAA said, a show of numbers will help. Hope to meet some of you there.

CASAA has obtained the draft language of the NYC flavor ban ordinance and it’s about as bad as we could have imagined.

This is a TOTAL BAN ON FLAVORS other than tobacco .

Please make plans to attend the hearing on January 30th. Even if you do not plan to speak, your presence is important as it demonstrates the large numbers of people affected by this issue.

Committee on Health
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

1:00 PM (details)

Committee Room - City Hall

In advance of the hearing, please take a moment to send a message to your city council member urging them to reject this dangerous ban on smoke-free products .

Take Action - Send A Message!

Thank you,
CASAA Legislative Team


Wednesday is the 30th. You may want to edit. I have work, but will try to go…


Thank you Obi. Fixed it.


This is disgusting.


That’s for damn sure man.


More government intrusion into the lives of private citizens from the Left in NYC. No offense to those that lean left. Moderators, if I’m out of line I will delete my post.


With some of the shit I’ve said, I think you’re safe!


Lol. Thanks for your service brother!


I followed trrough with the CASAA call to action on this last month. If you don’t get their notifications sign up here:


UPDATE: Rally to be held before the hearing.

On Wednesday, January 30, CASAA and the AVA are hosting a rally on the steps of NY City Hall to send a message to city council members that flavors need to be legally available to people who smoke and people who don’t want to go back to smoking.


Wednesday, January 30, 2019
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
On the Steps of City Hall

(at the center of City Hall Park)

The NYC Health Committee will be hearing testimony on Wednesday regarding a proposed ordinance that would ban the sale of vapor products sold in flavors other than tobacco. A link to the ordinance is available in our original alert, here. If passed, many people who smoke will be discouraged from even trying a safer alternative to cigarettes and will be more likely to continue smoking. This is unacceptable and, from a public health stand point, unethical.

What you can do:
(1) Attend the NO FLAVOR BAN Rally on Wednesday, January 30, starting at 11:30 AM.

(2) Send an e-mail to your city council members, here.

(3) Call members of the NYC Health Committee and respectfully ask them (each) to

  • OPPOSE “Int 1362-2019,” which would ban the sale of flavored vapor products.
  • If flavored vapor products have improved your life, please briefly share your story.

NYC Health Committee|Councilman Mark Levine|(212) 788-7007|
| — | — |
|Councilman Keith Powers|(212) 788-7393|
|Councilman Dr. Mathieu Eugene|(718) 788-7352|
|Councilwoman Alicka Ampry-Samuel|(212) 788-7387|
|Councilwoman Inez Barron|(212) 788-6957|

Please continue to make calls after the hearing as a final vote may not take place until February or March.


This needs to be plastered everywhere!


Good luck…and stock up on everything…smh




I’ll send some e-scuds their way. That place is a total loss. I don’t know who to blame, the politicians who ban everything or the people who vote them in. I don’t go there. Not what I call utopia.


I don’t live there thank goodness, but this could set the precedence for other cities and maybe even states. I think Big Tobacco could be behind this.


UPDATE: Despite the frigid cold today, there was a decent turn out for the rally and hearing. AVA, CASAA, vapers, shop owners from NYC and NYS (Buffalo), E Juice companies, bodega owners, university professors, doctors, law enforcement came together on the steps of City Hall to show their support and dissent towards the proposed flavor ban. Local news channel NY1 and Vice News were there to film the rally. I will try to get links of video from these as well as NYC. gov footage. I must say, I wish more supporters/consumers came out but I understand people were at work and the weather was an obstacle.

As for the hearing, there were about 5 panels who spoke in favor of the ban. American Heart Association, Tobacco Free Kids, NAACP, NYC Sheriffs, health “professionals” like the NYC Health Commissioner etc. to name a few. There were plenty of misinformed speakers to say the least. Some brought up AP and Diacetyl of course. The panel that struck a nerve for me were three NYC mothers who are the founders of PAVE (Parents Against Vaping E-cigarretes). They paraded five or six of their children ranging in ages from 11-16 like pawns. The kids spoke on the “epidemic” of Juuling in their schools. The Chairman of the Council ate it up.

For the opposition panels, they were groups of strong, well educated speakers. Many of the people mentioned above from the rally. Greg Conley, the president of AVA did a fantastic job relaying the truth about the Royal College of Physicians study as well as many more important counterpoints. Dr. David Abrams of NYU was compelling with his testimony. A wonderful woman, Spike, owner of four vape shops in the NYC boroughs drilled the point that in 90 days, if this ban passes, she would have to close down and let go of dozens of employees. This is just to name a few. Consumers were able to speak after the panels ended and state their stories.

Hopefully the next and final update to post will be good news. We will see.

P.S. I got to meet and talk to a lot of great people including Greg Conley.
Someone behind him in this pic is MisterSinner :wink::stuck_out_tongue:



Good luck if NYC falls the rest of us might be next :frowning:


Absolutely. That was a point stressed today for sure.


I am aware this is a serious matter and important to us all, but I just wanted to tell you that I love that pink tie! It looks good on you!