Ohms vs Wattage vs Temp

Hi Vapers,

I am a newbie with 4 months in this. I have learned to wick and coil from the forum here and also from watching YouTube.

So far I’ve build single coils, dual coils , contact coils and even space coils.
My build coils range from 0.2 to 1 ohm. I have so far been selecting wattage for my vape base on flavor and how hot I want.

My question is :
Is there a safety guideline or a technical table that I have to follow for the wattage because I don’t want to regret doing something naïve.
Same goes for Temperature mode.

Would be very grateful for inputs from you folks.


I usually adjust my wattage to match my vaping preference and try to keep the voltage to under 4v.


I agree back in the old days the rule of thumb was 4 volts. You can start lower at say 3.5 volts but usually a good vape is around 3.8 to 4.2 volts


This is old but it explains well


Always start low and work ur way up , is a good rule i learned in the beginning.

No matter if in vv vw or temp starting low and working up will work much better than the other way around! :grin:


Hi Guys,
Thank you for the feed back. I have a coil build with SS 316L - 28 AWG - 9 loops - 2.5mm ID and the ohms came to be 0.92. In order that I keep it to 4 Volts and below, I can only vape it at max of 18 Watts. It will be too cool a vape without much flavor.
I found that in order that I am satisfied with the vape , I need to vape it at 28 Watts and the wattage would be at 5.08 volts.
Dopes that mean that I have to build a coil that suit my satisfaction? My above coil at 0.92ohms is considered a wrong build coil?
Appreciate feed back!!



This build is Correct according to Steam Engine. What Mod are you using ?

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The type of mod you are using will determine what safety is needed.Most regulated mods have a built in safety to an extent so that you can’t build too low , mechanical mods and some others we must go by the batteries safe amp limit.


Right now I’m running duel SS fused Clapton’s on a Velocity RDA this is the readings on my old Sigelei 150 and its hot enough


I’m running dual SS claptons at 0.25 ohms / 60 w and I’m at 3.87v in the Griffin 25 on my iPV5.


I am usually running @Pro_Vapes Deep Water build.That is a 5.5 wrap dual coil 22 Ga. Titanium and it come to .06 , of course this is on a regulated mod.I always use a DNA200 with this build for safety.
Here is a link to a calculator.


Wow!! you guys are awesome! Getting all the responses really make me feel very warmth.
I own 3 mods -
Kanger Mini 75W, Laisimo L1- 200W & Wismec Reuleaux RX200s.
The Kanger Mini does not have detail information on the screen like the other 2 Mods I own.

I own various RTAs, RBAs and RDAs.

Depending on the size and the width distance of the positive and negative post in the atomizers, I always build a coil either space or contact to have the 2 end leads of the coil straight into the post. I based my number of wraps basing on this principle - to look neat and easy installation so I don’t have to bend the both ends of the coil into the post. Hence most of the time my coil ohms are usually at 0.5 to 0.8 ohms. But seriously, I do not know how many wraps are suitable for my vape and I am still trying to learn and recording my builds to find what is suitable for flavor chasing. I know I may be wrong in building coils basing on this principle, so that is why I started this topic for answers because I am not having a mod in between my eyes and feeling uncomfortable with my set up.

I have so far been using KA1 and SS ( straight and Clapton ) material for builds. AWG ranging from 22 to 28 for straight and Claptons usually 26/30, 24/32.

I hope 1 day I can contribute at this forum for flavor chasing.


Thank you for this link, its very helpful to me.

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Thank you!! I will try to build a coil to 0.1 ohms soon, so far my lowest achieved is 0.28 ohms dual spaced coils


That I had been doing - starting low and then upwards and that’s when I found, I need to vape certain of my build coils at 5Volts +
Thank you !

You’re welcome My best advice is to go to
http://www.steam-engine.org and learn all that you can learn
Good Luck with all your builds :+1:


Hi Bob,

Great link!! Love it!! Now I know how many wraps to do after deciding my target ohms.

Thank you!!


Hi Guys,

I was thrill by the link http://www.steam-engine.org

If I have 3 batteries 18650 running in series in my Wismec Mod. Each battery states 20A, does that mean my max capacity is 60 Amps and likewise 2 batteries 18650 in my Laisimo, does that mean 40Amps is the max capacity?

I stole this from ThrownOut2013 on reddit ,explains it pretty well.The only time your amps increase is when you run batteries in parallel.
Down and dirty rundown;

An unregulated box in parallel will run at 4.2v like a regular mechanical mod or another mod running only a single battery. However, in parallel not only are the amps doubled (theoretically, in a perfect world) but the mAh is also doubled. However it will still drain just like a mechanical mod but have a longer battery life.

Boxes run in series will increase voltage, but not the amps or mAh rating. Unregulated box mods run in series will run from 8.4v down to whenever you pull the batteries out. This will drain like a mech mod does and just as quickly as a single battery would.

A regulated box mod run in series runs the voltage into a voltage regulation chip. These chips often require a higher voltage to function, hence why you use two in series to increase the voltage. They also use what is known as “boost circuitry” or a “buck down converter” to apply the proper voltage that you’re asking it to perform. The advantage of using a chip is to make sure you get the most out of the batteries. It’ll be the same voltage until the mod cuts off because the voltage required from the batteries has become too low due to them draining. This is known as a safety cutoff as to not cause permanent damage to the batteries.


I’m sure you have seen one of these charts but this is kind of where I started when I was just a pup in vaping. These charts are all over the internet. You can google image search, cut and paste one that goes down into much lower sub ohm ranges but here is an example:
