Ohms vs Wattage vs Temp

I am at a lost here. If regulated box mod like mine is using 2 or 3 batteries in series, that means I am getting 8.4V and 12.6V respectively, then why keep vaping to below 4 V to be safe when I have 12.6V in my Wismec RX 200s Mod?

Sorry if I sound stupid, I guess being a newbie will be excuse…hehehe.


Because you can only throw so much power on a strand of metal and super heat a liquid. If you throw something that’s 2000 degrees into water the molecules don’t like it, get angry and explode. (ha)


I love this answer @Maureeenie you made my morning. I’m sill chuckling…LOL


Thanks Maureenie!! Looks like I have to build lower ohm coil to achieve my vaping goals and also to adhere to the 4 V rule.

I am glad I made Rob 62 a good morning.


Please don’t think you have to build ( Low ) to get a Good Vape. The only reason my build is at .17 is because it’s a SS fused Clapton. I wish I could get that build up to .5 to use LESS power less wattage and preserve battery life. It’s just the nature of the wire… That build is 26g 316L core wires with 36g 316L wrapped around the 2 core wires than 6 wraps around 4mm bit


Holy Crap! What are you squeezing a 4mm build in?


Dual coil Vertical build on my velocity RDA. LOL


For the most part the increased voltage helps us from having to replace batteries as often.You will find most high end mods in the $300.00 and up category are still using the DNA40 board.40 watts will fill the room with clouds if you build accordingly.
With regulated mods most have a built in safety.Some use a fuse or have a board that will not let the mod fire below a certain resistance.
Good questions @lordkum and not stupid at all.My favorite mod is an SX Mini with a Yihi 350 board.It has a single 18650 , so I have to change out the batteries three times during a day of usage.I have the same exact build on my Wisemec Reuleaux Dna200 but because it has three 18650 batteries I can run it all day without a battery change.Everything in life is a compromise.A smaller mod ,easy to carry but battery life isn’t as good.Big mod ,bulky to pack but battery life is much better.That is why we must find our vape style, see what builds we like and find the best mod that will help us do that.


I only know because I’ve seen cotton on builds in the vape shop go up in flame… like “boom”…teenager throwing his first gasoline on a bon-fire kind of boom. These batteries now may be safer but they are throwing some serious power :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I think I am getting the “Geez” of what you helpful folks are saying.
OK- will keep to the 4V rule and try not to exceed 18 Amps since my batteries are of 20Amps and find the best compromise vape.
Since the 4V rule, I have been dissatisfied with my vape, flavor has gone done tremendously and I have no feel from the vape, its like sucking air and blowing out some clouds.
There is no more that warm thick vape feeling I get like before when I was doing it with 5V+
I will restart to figure out with my new build coils starting today.

Any suggestions from you good folks out there?
My Mods are - Kanger Mini 75W, Wismec Reuleaux RX200s and Laisimo L1.

My favorite
RDA - So Horney
RBA - Kanger Top Tank
RTA - Avocado, Fodi F2 and Fountain V2.

I would suggest building your coils in the range of 0.25 - 0.5 ohms and give that a go.


Yes Sir, I did all that today changing all my existing coils to 0.3-0.4 ohms.
Able to do that with guidance from - http://www.steam-engine.org. which I only got to know from this forum.


Great site. I use their wire wizard all the time.


You like vertical coils on rda better than horizontal? Whats ur opinions, ?

I definitely think im getting a cleaner more crisp tasting vape from this ss316L , over kanthal😀. Just had to throw that in here!

First ss build :wink: loving it

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Please teach this newbie what is Twisted/Parallel and Ribbon wires stated at Steam Engine under coil wrapping.

This should help explain some wire types.

Twisted is 2 or more wires that are twisted together.

Parallel is 2 or more wires that will be wrapped together side by side.
This is twisted wire and clapton wire in parallel.

Ribbon wire is flat wire.
Here is a ribbon wire build that has been polished

Here is a parallel build of ribbon wire and standard wire

Clapton wire is a thicker gauge wire that is wrapped around with a thinner gauge wire.

A fused clapton is two wires in parallel then wrapped around with another wire.

Here is a twisted core clapton


More wire used increases the surface area of the build and provides channels for the juice to enter. All that can add to more flavor production but complicates the build process over just wrapping standard wire in a coil.

A lot of the more complicated wire types can be bought pre-made and all you would then need to do is wrap it to your preference. This makes it easy to try different types with out having to do the building of the wire yourself and lets you see the differences in performance. This is what I have done as a relatively new coil builder myself. I am just now getting into building more complicated wire myself.


Awesome!!! I know Clapton, I made some with SS316L 26/32 AWG.
I’ve seen coils wrap with flat wires and twisted wires on pictures shown on websites for sale but not actual stuff.
The polished ribbon wire reminds me of the notch coil that came with my Theorem RTA. Is that picture above - polished ribbon made of SS material? It would like very pretty in my Alleria RTA.

Thanks a million for the information.

Just search YouTube for parallel coil wraps and how to wrap it. Plenty to learn there.

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Great post. Thanks.