Ohms vs Wattage vs Temp

It would only look pretty till you fired it. Then I believe all that polishing gone. :put_litter_in_its_place:


I like both vertical and horizontal builds on a RDA. I had to build vertical on this one because it was 4mm ID. The problem is the cotton likes to keep sliding down BUT you could bridge the two coils with cotton and have the ends go down both coils and then into the deck. I also like 316L SS better then kanthal :sunglasses:

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You need to hook up with @Phill and check out his Clapton jig :+1:

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Yes, I saw pictures of his Clapton jig but have no idea how it works.

I sent you a link @ phill is the Man watch the videos

I managed to have the cotton stay on top of my vertical build coil by using thicker cotton at the top than the rest at the bottom. It stays and as it get wetter the sides which were broader than the coil will collapse down and hold on to the coil.

If there is a better way, I sure would like to learn from you folks.

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You did send me a link @phill? I did not see it, please send again, I’ll be very keen to see how that jig works

That build is a old build it’s been rewicked several times it’s starting to get all out of shape ( time to recoil it ) LOL

hahaha, its my poor photography- sorry!! its a new coil

I meant my build LOL I sent you a invite did you get it ?

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Yes, Just noticed it - thanks!!

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Do the 2 materials in a parallel be the same or I can use a combination of SS316 and KA1?

You can use a combo but I like all SS


What @Rob62 said. They can be different.


Heres another video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PHA9AcU5ro Im not the best at making videos…


Thank you for the link!!
Wow!! you guys sure know how to make things easy.

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Just wondering if this in normal, I started to take note of my voltage on the MOD to try to keep it to 4V and below, meanwhile I have been building all my coils to about 0.2 to 0.3 ohms.

I notice that a new coil at " say 0.2 ohms " on the first day will become 0.24 on the next day and then eventually increase daily as I used it. This coil is now at 0.32 ohms after4days of usage on the same MOD.

Did I do something wrong? Please advise!!

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It sounds like the screws need to be tightened down. Also, what are you vaping through that coil? Gunked up dirty coils can increase the ohms.


screws are tight, I checked, gunked up, well, I guess so.

So dirty coils can also increase ohms, mmm, thank you for the information. So at least I know that it is normal to have increase ohms due to something. I tried cleaning the coils with brush and soap, it did bring the ohms back down from 0.34 to 0.26. but not 0.2when it was brand new.

check out Squidoode on cleaning builds