maybe this will help on how to use the scale. You want the %
@SessionDrummer If you go under the flavor itself, it tells you how what the minimum usage / median usage / max usage has been for the single flavor. That’s in %'s. The only way I know how to figure out grams from %'s is to preform a spreadsheet and calculate the ml of juice I’m going to make by the specific weight of the flavor.
its under %tages in recipes
That way I have the weight for each 1/4 % converted into grams.
Have you used the recipe side to create/add any recipes yet? ml, grams, %…
@anon70102222 I’ve looked at. I can’t find a specific recipe for the single flavor I want to use. I only want 1 flavor. I saw the preferred single flavor mix % but I’d have to work up to that level. That would have to be based on %'s not g or mg. It makes no sense to use a scale if I’m doing %'s.
let the calc do all this work for u unless u dont trust the spec. gravities in the database. Switch your drops to mg in the user setting in case u did while not having a scale and rock. Gl to u!
Sorry, but that’s my thoughts on your reply. I don’t understand what you are trying to say.
I can do a spreadsheet that will take the specific weight of a flavor for the bottle size (- the pg/vg) and work up a % chart that way but that’s not going to be fun.
you are making it more difficult then it needs to be
If it’s been provided by the manufacturer, it’s usually listed. As in the second screenshot above.
That’s called tare, as I assume you know.
I don’t mean to. I just don’t quite comprehend the situation I suppose.
I trust it. I guess I have to figure out how to switch the preferred single flavor mix% to g? it offers weight in grams per ml. is that where you use put the grams of liquid you use? or do you add your % and it configures where it says weight in grams per ml?
this wouldn’t be the final figure. It’s working the flavor up so you can begin to taste it and move forward until you can taste the full flavor (in case I mess it up).
sry, i meant doug was making it more difficult. You plug in your % and the calc. calculates the mg…
Yes, that’s what my screenshots were supposed to explain. And the SG’s when known are already there.
ah ok. cool. I didn’t know if it worked backwards or not. I’ll try it and see. Thanks guys!!!
no clue why there is confusion either but perhaps all this mess belongs in Doug Has Questions anyhow
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@worm1, it probably does. Ugh. I’m trying to pick the right thread now. I’m messing that up too.
@Caped_Conspirathist go to the recipe side, log in, go to your preferences, and select the radio button for grams.