@INOIROC Do you have the glass tank that comes with the Baby Beast RBA? I’m discovering new info. New to me anyway.
The Baby RBA version includes the extended glass necessary to use with the Baby Tank. This glass is not compatible with the Big Baby Tank
*This RBA Head is NOT compatible with Big Baby Light Edition .
This vid shows that the OG Baby Beast glass won’t fit with the RBA. The RBA comes with a glass extension so unless you already have this the Wotofo nexMINI RBA will fit the base but still needs the extended glass.
Those are the old baby beast RBAs. Smok made them a few mm taller than an actual coil head. I’m very familiar with all that stuff. The new nexMINI ones are still a mystery to us. I’m guessing they made them the same size as a coil though. Judging from the picture, there’s probably no need to get a taller glass.
Smok sold those RBAs as kits. Baby RBA came with a 22mm glass. Big Baby RBA came with a 24mm glass. The RBAs are the same, it’s just the glass that was specific to each tanks dimensions. They could work with a big baby light edition if you switched out the bottom gasket to a regular one. The light edition came with enlarged silicon bottom o rings to help the lighting effect. @Deb50 found a similar solution with one of her Ello tanks. The silicon seal was blocking the wicking ports on the RBA. She just used a different (less wide) bottom seal.
I’m guessing yes. The nexmini tank can use the SMRT coils that say V8 Baby or whatever. In theory, the nexmini RBA should work in Smok Baby tanks. I’ll post more concrete evidence once I get my hands on the items. Mike Vapes or someone will probably beat me to it and post a video about this stuff.
Good to know because a friend of mine has a Big Baby he’ll send to me. Sounds like the nexMINI will fit that…if the Baby RBA will fit it. I stopped at the OG TFV4 so all this I never pursued.
A friend said that the Baby Prince should work also. Since you know about all these I don’t have to get into it. Nevertheless, I think I’ll take my friend’s offer on the Big Baby because I want big capacity. That is if the nexMINI RBA fits, which I have a feeling you’re right about. Come on 3FVape! Deliver the goods.
when i purchased the SMOK Big Baby Beast (tank only) it came with something that looked just like this…but it always made contact with the base and shorted. Almost like it was too big for its own good. it had dual style like it was centered instead of offset to one side for dual coils. it came with a taller glass so the coil could fit
Yup, they included the RBA with the tank which is nice. Usually RBAs for subohm tanks are an extra option.
Maybe you can try a different o-ring at the bottom of the RBA to prevent it from making contact? Just a thought. I’m not a Smok subohm expert by any means. Most of those pre-installed coils need to be adjusted a bit so they don’t contact the sides of the screw-on barrel.
thats Loooooong gone. i almost was thinking of buying thatone with the mesh. i have a smok procolor which isn’t great but the color is NEON Green. (my Fav) so the mesh "coils " work similar to the way one would put a , say clapton on there?
Maybe i should stop being lazy and actuallly read the WHOLE post lol. Nvm thanks!
The bar on the bottom of the RBA was sometimes too wide for its own good. It was only supposed to touch the positive pin. People have fixed them by swiping a file on the corners. I never had any trouble with any of mine.
The Baby Prince uses the same coils but they redesigned how the coils are seated. They screw in farther. The reasoning behind that was if your liquid was super low, the coils inlets would still be in contact with liquid. It’s hard to explain but in some tanks they screw in farther. The new products might work in a Baby Prince. The older Baby RBAs don’t work in a Baby Prince. The juice ports get blocked. They made a separate RBA for it but it was junk.
I got one and it’s not good. They should’ve just made it single coil. The Baby Prince RBA is the size of an actual baby beast coil. Trying to pull off dual coils in that small of an area didn’t quite work. I had to use a 2mm jig for my coils otherwise they touched. The airflow is tight and off center on both sides. The screws for tightening your leads… Just junk. You can see in the photo.
He was saying the Prince might take the nexMini RBA. I wouldn’t know. You obviously are well tuned into these subohm tanks so I’m just going to wait and see how it goes once you get your order. Once I saw how many variables there were to the Smok tanks I just said, nah, I’ll stick to my own coil builds. But I’m kinda hooked on these SMRT rebuildable mesh coils.
thanks! i just purchased it …i ve been rebuilding the v8 coils cuz its so expensive at the brick and mortar shops. if the y even have them they are like 8 bucks just for 1! MASS and its vapor excise tax … grrrr.
If you take one of the old meshes heat it up and then cool it it cleans it and then use new cotton. But that little roller tool is just so necessary. the vid is greeat. i got it at fast tech …5 pcs (5 boxes) 24 $ i m so glad he posted this !`your my HERO