Pecan pie suggestions please

I see makes plenty sense, twins at that yeah I’d say you would have your hands full if ya tried doing that. Nice blend of ages thou ! I was one of 5 kids so I can relate my mom was always busy doing something.

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I usually mix when they are in school the only time I have to myself LOL. I love having a big family

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I do too ( love having a big family ) I miss my family being we are so far apart now they all live on the East coast while I’m out here in the Pacific Northwest the lonely drifter LOL jk you know we’re doing the traveling thing and just kicking back ! You know the saying they grow up too fast by now since you have a 25 yo

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I definitely do… really glad he’s a momma’s boy though he’s home every Saturday LOL. With my grandbaby :slight_smile:

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I adapted my alabama pecan bar with those suggestions you had except I think I goofed big time hahahah I forgot I had FE Pistachio and not TPA (snorts) and yeah I think it’s stronger than TPA’s because all I smells is pistachio hahahah here’s what I did so you can laugh!!!

Alabama Pecan Bars (TEST)
2% Brown Sugar Extra (TPA)
3% Butter Pecan (FW)
1% Cookie (FA)
2% Custard (FA)
0.5% Joy (FA)
0.5% Maple Syrup (FA)
2% Marzipan (FA)
.25% pistachio (FE)
2% Salted Caramel (FW)

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Nah no laughing here just double your batch size and fill in the gaps where other flavors need to be brought up no worries looks good

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Holy cow how many times have I had to do this very thing?


Yep me too, batch keeps growing and growing it’s like magic :wink:

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I’ll do that when I can… heck it might be a good pistachio vape hahahahaha haven’t tasted it yet… just smelled

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This is what I came up with and people have been asking for more.
Pecan (fw) 5%
Rich cinnamon (flv) .5%
Fresh cream (fa) .5%
Pie crust (tpa) 1%
Brown sugar extra (tpa) 1%
Biscuit (Ina) 1%
Acetyl pyrazine .5%
Caramel (flv) 1%
Hazelnut (fw) 2.5%
Maple syrup (fa) 2%

I mix it at 70/30 VG. / pg.
I was missing something too and on a quirk tried the maple syrup. Believe it or not it works.


That looks a lot like what I was thinking. I actually have a recipe very similar to that I was making but haven’t mixed it yet.

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I made this up back in November.

So it’s pretty good huh? I will have to try that. Mine has a few different ingredients. But I also used Maple Syrup, Caramel, Pie Crust and a few others

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uh no on the pistachio vape hahahah it definitely needs to be muted… like maybe making a 100 ml bottle and tossing what I made in at 15 ml hahahah that dang FE pistachio wasn’t playing around!!! For the record pisatchio FE .25% no more for my taste buds… I might need a new tongue after that !!!

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This is it no changes necessary imo pecan and toffee a little upfront now but it’s only been 24hrs. But this hits all the right notes.
Vanilla custard tpa. 1.5
Vanilla Shisha inw. 2.25
Kentucky bourbon tpa .75
Cake batter dip fw. 2
Butter toffee. Fw. .5
Butter pecan fw. 4
Pecan tpa. .25
Pie crust tpa. 1.25
Brown sugar extra tpa. 2.75
Toasted marshmallow tpa 1
Total 16.5
Now on to my next peach cobbler

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Please let me know what you think as this would be the first recipe I’ve posted and came up with on my own

How do you like the pecan at 5%? And that’s tfa pecan right? When I’ve played with pecan it’s definitely a steeper for sure. Anything over .5 for me ended not to good and at higher wattages I was getting the burnt popcorn taste. But taste is subjective!

I used the flavor west pecan. Tastes good and after about a week steep tastes awesome to me.

Butter pecan? Or maple?

I had to get in on the project. I find I’m missing a crust taste and think if that component was there this would be even better. But it’s damn good as is. Can I say it tastes like Pecan Pie? Some, yes. But regardless of hitting that particular mark, I’m enjoying this big time. Got 26ga Twisted SS 6 wrap duals on 3mm in the Velocity. Vaping TC 510F and 105 watts. She’s cookin, oh yes, cookin.

Pee Can Pie (SthrnMixer Original)

Ingredient %
Acetyl Pyrazine 5% 0.5
Biscuit (INAWERA) 2
Brown Sugar (TPA) 3
Butter (CAP) 0.8
Butter Pecan (FW) 2
Cookie (FA) 2
Nut Mix (FA) 0.5
Pyure 1
Toasted Almond (CAP) 1.2
Toasted Marshmallow (TPA) 1.5
Vanilla Custard (TPA) 1.5

Flavor total: 16%

Remember to rate it at!

FYI - Pyure is the Stevia sweetener from Walmar, the REB-A I think it’s called. Works nicely here.

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