Politics on ELR Forum


@Raven-Knightly continues to attempt gas lighting, but in an inquisative fashion. Baiting none the less.

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All good @Lostmarbles.


I know, neither am I.


Writing a novel, cannot wait.

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One contemporary descriptor might be that we are implicitly free to “swipe left” our attentions.

“Opine” is a verb. (Perhaps) you instead you intended to indicate that you are not “supine” ?


The Flagperson wears a mask in act of “digital autocracy”, under auspices of “public morals”.

Pardon if the approximately 10 milliSecond delay before the guillotine dropped on said expression may have caused me to prematurely judge the origin of masked operative !

Thoughts (like strength, originating from within) cannot be jurisdictionally “owned”, as some graspable resistance to be overcome before an audience (like power, entirely bestowed from without).

What we fear comes to pass more speedily than what we hope.
-Publilius Syrus


Your words, not mine. I am living happily within my own skin.

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I have always thought that the chosen title for my non-fictional memoirs would be:

“The Truth Had Nothing To Do With It” … :grinning:


“Buy the ticket, Take the Ride!”
Hunter S. Thompson


Somebody “special” may yet again run out of “Likes” before the sun sets on Bogus Acres … :rofl:

What you fail to realize is that no one is right in this case. However if we have free speech everyone is right. I have finished my cigar and 4th Scotch, do not intend to debate this further.


Yet, paradoxically, do not some of us not strive to stride in general direction(s) of being “less wrong” ?


Some, yes. Most are content.

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The Principle of Inertia at work, increasing Entropy of Thought until a mere coin-flip would suffice. :thinking:

I love your verbose dictation.


You make it sounds like people wants to change. Even when shit hit them in the face, most people would pretend it was the norm and goes about their merry way.

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Ok, maybe im too pessimistic about this

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Discretion (can) be the better part of valor. Sometimes folks may more graciously envision their existential place and time within Cosmos when their “better angels” are inspired, as opposed to when their “Ids” are furiously raging, hoping to vaingloriously button-push themselves into Nirvana. :thinking:

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Bravo! Right there with you. Didn’t care for how I was treated when I came home but supported the right regardless. Having said that, as per @Lostmarbles, especially being trapped at home and reading the same old shit in a different form gets old. In the end, matters not. There’s more to be gained than annoyed by from being here.


I hear stories from Korean and Nam Vets and it makes my heart bleeds for them. Why us and not them. We volunteered to do this, they were drafted. Talk about a difference.


All good. It was an understanding I needed to come to. How an emotion can bandwagon and distort and how these emotions can be easily misdirected and be internalized in twisted manners leaving the host void of the original moral that prompted the response having emotion only for the sake of emotion.