POS spider

I dont kill them in Michigan. The reason is because they eat other bugs. We have other creepy crawlies I cant stand…The recluse is the only dangerous one here and I learned from living in Idaho when taking clothing out of storage you watch closely and immediately wash and dry them. They like attics and living in boxes of linens and things.


what part of Idaho did you live in if you don’t mind me asking?

Boise… Not up in the pretty places north, but I have been up North near Coeur d’Alene.

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A super good vape friend of mine is in Gulf Port MS.

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I prob. mentioned it but I lived in Twin for a few years. Graduated HS there. Back in the dark ages when we used stone and chisels to take notes on.

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That’s a great place. I love the people there.

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Well the new place has lotsa baddies. I feel like going to the Army&Navy and getting a personal flamethrower… I’ll settle for a jug of Home Defense. I’ll be deploying a “scorched earth” policy after finding this bad@ss who just captured a bumblebee next to the air conditioner unit.


as many as I could. lmao

Tell you what I’ll let you keep her. Or flatten her or whatever you want. I’m boycotting all spiders for now. I’m still dealing with the after affects of the POS thing.

OK… so I’m sitting on the porch this morning drinking my coffee on my favorite front step of the house. (Morning contemplation of day location)

…and I notice there are no ants.

Then I notice the spider web.

Choosing new Contemplation Location

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ever used a Webster and no I don’t mean a dictionary. get rid of the web then get the home defense spray and hunt the little bugger down.

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OMG… :joy::crossed_swords::laughing:you have changed my world with your story.

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Yeah well you know that old saying, gohead walk that mile in my shoes. Sure has changed mine too.

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The upside - ants are gone.

The downside - I have no idea what kind of spider it is but I will take your advice.

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eating ants is cool but capturing bumblebees (and small birds :wink: ) is another story


In 12 weeks where I live, they are all dead, regardless. DEAD-FROZEN-SPIDERS. (Evil Laughter)


Unless they move indoors lol


True - but in here I can see them coming.

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OK so I’ve been watering my stuff and picking a few veggies, but today I went out and attempted to “work” in the yard a little I clipped a five gallon bucket full of old rose blossoms off. finally go to my Hydrangia tree yes tree and trimmed it up a little. It now is beginning to look like it’s supposed to. And now I’m so exhausted I am barely able to type. My hands are shaking sweat rolling down my back and my hair looks like I just got out of the pool. I don’t know how long it’s going to take to get back to normal but anyone that wants to garden come on over. :smile: