Proven Link Recipe

I’ve been in ELR for 3 years, yes but not active either.
I would like to ask is there a proven or fail-proof eliquid recipe in ELR? Can a special section / link be made for tested and proven liquids… maybe with a small additional fee (premium member), it will certainly make it easier for beginners like me and of course it can be an additional income for ELR too.


I think the best way is to look at reviews on recipes. Usually that can give you a sense of how it is. Its hard to say something is oroven because taste is subjective


Yes, I did that by looking at the ratings/reviews. But sometimes I get confused with other reviews. :grinning: At least if ELR has done the testing first…we can trust the recipe to work​:grinning:


I think fiddy could do it. :grin:


I would look at the recipe side of the site. Click on the star rating. Those will be the most popular recipes. Do a little screen for the profiles you like best. Taste is subjective so their won’t be the perfect recipe. Once you find recipes you do like follow that mixer because you most likely have the same taste.


Welcome to ELR @Thekotekaman,

ELR is made up of it’s members (including you)
The rating system in place is there for me / you / others to comment and rate the recipes.
No one person can test every recipe and tell which one You will enjoy… as already mentioned, taste is subjective and what one person loves someone else may hate.
I myself like coffee vapes but there is more that the majority of people that dislike coffee in vape form.


Yes, I get it, everyone’s taste is different, and I like coffee and tobacco too with a little chill :grinning: I often look for recipes that work for me, because liquid ingredients are quite expensive in my place. Maybe that’s why I’m looking for tested liquid recommendations…:pray:t6::grinning:


Lmao…Um no ty lol


Probably the best thing to do is if your looking for a specific profile just post here and ask whats a good recipe for that profile and someone that likes that profile will reply with their favs


Welcome and glad you joined.


The best method is to state what you like (all fruit, combo fruit and cream, dessert, beverage…). It also helps to keep your flavor stash set to public. That way a mixer can look to see what you have to work with.
Good luck and welcome to the forum.


Thanks for the advice :pray:t6:


What i would suggest is that you look for best rated recipes on ELR (here) - many have 50+ ratings and those you should be looking for. Those recipes seems everyone liked back then, so that’s the best chance you will like them too.

Since those are recipes from the past, they used those older brands that are generally cheaper and easiest to get since every shop has them + importantly, at the same time those flavors are most used flavors in recipes since everyone has them (meaning you will be able to use them even if that one recipe doesn’t impress you as much as you hoped).

Find 2 or 3 or 4 recipes that you think you will like and then buy those exact flavors (i say this once again - those EXACT flavors). If a recipe has one flavor that you can’t get, then skip that recipe and find another one. It means you will have to buy around 15-20 (cheap) flavors and you’ll be able to mix couple of most mixed = proven recipes out there. (yes, newer flavors are generally even better and recipes have evolved too, but with limited funds that’s your best bet).

(Never buy more than 10ml bottle of a new flavor. It’s better to have 20x10ml bottles than 10x30ml bottles. You’ll buy bigger bottles later after you taste them and see how much you will actually use them).


What i would also suggest is that on top of those flavors for recipes, you also buy 3 flavors that are spectacular on their own, as solo flavors. You can hardly fail there (if many users said how great it is on its own), it costs you nearly nothing and you might get at least one flavor that you would really like and use even without mixing with other flavors. It might become a huge money-saver later if you could be happy vaping just that (and there is a high chance you will use it even if it’s not that spectacular as a stand alone since those flavors are easiest to use). Happy mixing!


Wow… your note really inspired me. I will try your suggestion… thank you very much… :pray:t6::pray:t6:


Honestly, look for anything by @STR8V8PING and you have your proven recipe. WAY back in early 2012, my DIY journey started with one of his recipes (one that I STILL make to this day, I must say), you just can’t go wrong.


Thanks. Always makes me happy to see my recipes helped someone


Would you care to share? :grinning:


One of my favorite pass times is to go through the old recipes and find ones that look good to me. Then sometimes I’ll tweak them with similar but newer flavors to see if I can make them shine even more to my liking. It’s fun and a pass time that would last longer than my life because there are multiple thousands of them! It may also be a good way for newbs to familiarize themselves and experiment with flavors. I know when I was starting out I had trouble creating an original mix that I liked so I started mixing others’ recipes and then making some additions or adjustments in pct, etc. It really helped. Great suggestion @Mikser :smiley:


I believe hes talking about my snickerdoodle cookies recipe.



That is correct.

The long version is that I was ordering Snickerdoodle Cookie (and Strawberry Shortcake) from Mrs. T’s Bakery for my wife, those were the only two flavors she liked. Mrs. T’s shipping times became somewhat of an issue (understatement), so I needed a way to provide my wife with something she enjoyed. Enter @STR8V8PING. Found his recipe on ECF, mixed it, and had my wife do a blind tasting without telling her I mixed one of them. She liked his recipe better. She vaped that recipe exclusively until she quit vaping in 2017. I still go through 60 ml a month, it’s so good. I will be forever grateful.