Putting a Face To The Name


You go for The Dockers then?




I have proof now, this is allowed but a toilet selfie of mine from the chest up isnot allowed. Calling out all the fat shaming double standard popular kids table mod squad this site has become. We seen it in the discord side too, one guy tries to be the cool kid and denies the members that have been there the longest and replaces them with noncontributing YouTube celebs and gives them a title. Just goes to show a little responsibility goes to the heads of people that were probably picked on in school because they smelled like damp laundry and pee so they start up cliques because they were never apart of them EVER.


What are you rambling about ??? Obviously your pictures isnt a problemā€¦Its your avatar.


No idea what youā€™re rambling about, But you paint a pretty vivid picture. Were you one of those kids?



I donā€™t a lot of selfies, but this is me :grin:


I feel like I have gotten alot more wrinkles and mine was only taken mabye 2 months ago. Iā€™m gonna stop taking selfees!!.lol! That how quick age hits you? Jesus
Itā€™s like I blinked n now I got white patches of hair weight I canā€™t lose and wrinkles!


@ladycrooks Yeahā€¦ I hit 40- and all this grey started to appear in my facial hairā€¦ Same for all of us unfortunatelyā€¦ #ripyouth


Wait till you hit 60 or 65, instead of gray, it starts turning white. This getting older thing has some interesting aspects to it. Some are good, some are neutral and some are challenging.


Could you send me the list of the good things? I donā€™t seem to be on the mailing list. Thanks.


I think the list will fit into a fortune cookie. :rofl:


Something for me to look forward too.

I am just at the stage of watching most of my hair turn grey while having a battle against new black hair in weird places. It seems that my body wants to put thick black hair on my ear and nose. not in my nose, ON my nose.

Damn you DNA


I hit 50 and started to fall apart. Hair where there didnā€™t used to be, failing eyesight and hearing,aches and pains and just to top it off a skin condition that comes and goes which can make me look like a teenager again.
GP was about as useful as a kick in the nuts but after many visits it was diagnosed and hopefully under some sort of control although itā€™s apparently incurable.

I expected that Iā€™d have to be more conscious of my diet but not everything else.
Shouldnā€™t complain though as at least Iā€™m still alive. As I get older Iā€™m hearing that more and more people I know or knew have died and none have been older than me.
Iā€™m 56.


My GP just confirms that oddly most of me works in spite of a rock and roll youth (and middle age). A chronic burnt out throat, screwed liver, destroyed nerve endings and bones so dense they bugger my joints are my ills.

I wish I could lose some of my hearing: I still have the disadvantage pinpoint accuracy and being able to hear high frequencies.

All in all might be a long lived ultradian depressive.


I feel ya! My body seems to think I need a goateeā€¦ I keep telling it Iā€™m a freaking WOMAN! It wonā€™t listen though, SMHā€¦ I guess it doesnā€™t help that Iā€™m half deafā€¦

I also have a single, super thin, white hair that likes to grow on the edge of my ear, closest to my faceā€¦ you know that little flap most folks push in to close their ears instead of putting their fingers in their earsā€¦? On thatā€¦ and it hurts SO MUCH to pluck itā€¦ the little bastard!

On a plus note, Iā€™ve been slowly going gray since I was 30ā€¦ waitā€¦ thatā€™s not a plusā€¦ OH the plus is that itā€™s SILVERY WHITE, not gray. I have two streaks, just above my temples that get more white hair, every yearā€¦ I call them my ā€œracing stripesā€ā€¦ I mean, the more obvious they are, the faster the years go byā€¦soā€¦ :woman_shrugging:

BTW, Iā€™m only 39ā€¦ February Iā€™ll be 40.


Most of the hair on my head retired when I was 16. Sadly they treat the rest of me like Florida.


Hehe, THIS thread took a turn lol.

After 50, I did seem to start dropping mods more often. Decades of playing live with no hearing protection, monitors, PA mains (yes, there WAS music before in ears), and excessive range time / live fire did exact their revenge on my high frequencies.


You see, first you start out with these ā€¦

But, then, you always end up with one of these ā€¦