Hi… I’m new at mixing and I’m after throat Hit only. Made my first mix at 70 PG 30 VG and 6% Nic. Mixed, shaken, steeped. When I vape it doesn’t have the TH kick I’m looking for. It doesn’t even come close to say… Ecblends 7 leaf tobacco at 60% PG which I vape as MTL. My flavours are PG based and about 10%.
Thanks for all comments… I really thought as we all read that PG = TH.
Well I think it’s not 100% true. It’s a good carrier of flavor and great for viscosity.
I will have to try all the suggestions…
Thank you again
I can sell him a bunch of those. I’m notorious for watching TV in the dark and not noticing my tank go empty.(once the TV is on tanks are supposed to be self filling right?)
I’m so clumsy I HAVE to use vape bands, more the better as I’ve smashed so many tanks, so I run dry more often than not just because I can’t see the damn tank!..usually when I’m driving, the looks I get when I turn my face inside out after a dry hit whilst sat in traffic…
if your not into menthal or mints and what not, give peach a try. I find most peach flavors have quite a throat hit. here is a good recipe with a throat hit. i would use juicy peach by capella.