I don’t sweat the little details. If I see something I think could be better I make a suggestion. @daath is a very busy guy here. So for him to tackle something here and make it better, that is above and beyond what I expect of him. Because he has already done so much to make an amazing place for this community to have become what it is.
So anon, your words are not falling on deaf ears. People here don’t get mad if things aren’t the way they think they should be. We all have our difference of opinion. We discuss them. And it makes for (BY FAR!) the best forum I have ever been on. And believe me, I have been on a lot of forums. The list would cause your page to refresh. I started with BBS (bulletin boards systems) back before the internet was even a thing if any of you remember that
I know you have TONS to do but would it be WORTH having a place to tell if a person is using a sub’ohm or say like me using a Nautilus mini? I know the flavors taste different when sub’ohm and using my little thing
Don’t think that would help you that much. Every tank has a different flavor and every rda are different. What watts…kind of wire…wicking material…the type of coil. Everything affects flavor. Flavor is so subjective. Would recommend working on what flavor types you like. Exp…fruity…bakery…tobacco…ect.
HThere’s a def point being made here… I sort by ratings, then pass on anything that doesn’t have more than one rating… As lordvapor said, he gave a ‘flop’ recipe 4 stars… I often (depending on the user) don’t trust a single rating given to ones self… But I think the more trusted ‘chefs’ probably don’t even rate their own recipe. This is actually a good point to be made… As we all know other users don’t always play by the rules. And don’t always follow instructions (steeping, subbing) Some of the recipes I’ve clicked on I’m thinking "they must have never actually vaped this, or didn’t even let it sit an hour before deciding it was worth 5 stars"
Also I agree that listing what your vaping on is really helpful since many tank users and many drippers, some good devices some that don’t deliver.
I agee with the selfratings, not that its hard to dig through but many 5 star results are actually in the 4 star results because of the down ratings, while the 5 star section is full of single rated recipes… All I know is I know exactly what’s meant by this discussion, on both sides of course… I do agree the self rating is useful for HONEST trials, no SnV with that “I know this is only gonna get better” lets face it thats not always the case. Also helpful for myself to keep track of how things are going, i may taste on the shake but add the ratings when i go back after itd steeped, i then adjust accordingly to how things are turning out, 2-3 stars is a recipe i want to rethink, 1 for an ugly recipe,thankfully don’t have many of those, and if it makes you feel better I have about 5 pages and only hit 5 stars once, then retracted that rating anyway since I made the recipe private again
anyway @anon6970 I can agree but its def something to get past and after some experience here you can start eliminating the BS, almost everyone on this forum I’ve seen do nicely on the pages, I was just reading one of jojo recipes and she did nice with updating as it steeped and offered an honest opinion (wouldn’t let me tag her) But most these are mixes you can trust, there’s also names that you’ll start to become familiar with on the recipes page and know when to checks recipe out and who to pass on… Sadly this may pass on a ton of great recipes.
My biggest issue is the published nonsense, like I said above many recipes you see are a disaster and I’m not sure why these are ‘published’ and no I understand experience and sharing it with others… Also the testing of flavors, I cant imagine anyone choosing a single test of the flavors page that allows you to read a ton of rating at once
End rant sorry
Also I’m sure those people wouldn’t mind a comment if you adapt there recipe as your own… Credit is credit… If I use any text from any source, despite how much I change it into my own work, the credit still goes where its due…Just my opinion though
I rate my recipes it helps me remember how I felt about it. I won’t ever post a recipe unless I tried it and if I didn’t it will say so in the notes section ( I haven’t done this in a long time )
The rating system in my mind is a trust system. Once you get to know the mixer you’ll see what I mean for instance if @Alisa makes a 5 star recipe ( which hers are always 5 stars great mixer right there ! ) you can take that to the bank it’s money and solid recipe. But if it’s someone I don’t know yet and I try it and it’s a great recipe I Want to get the word out to boost that persons recipe so it gets more attention. A trust system a Gordon rule type thing.
I do like to only post 4 or 5 star recipes I have 3 stars and below but I don’t want to flood the system with those. So it may come off I only make / rate that high but really it isn’t I am following my own system those that aren’t 4 or over doesn’t get posted.
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I like to filter by ratings it works for me. I think it makes ppl’s day to give feedback on their recipe it validates their work and gives them motivation/inspiration.
I would try your recipe @anon6970 if you want to post it here or link it ! This Forum is the warmest place on earth such civility and benevolence. Love this place !
You’re a sweetie. Thanks for the kudos, but for all of the recipes you see of mine, there are probably 200 others you don’t see that just didn’t live up to my expectations for one reason or other and I didn’t make public. haha… if you only knew the many, many horrible mixes I’ve gone through!!
One thing I’ve noticed is that when I sort by ratings it doesn’t put the highest average rating over another that has more feedback…
Like right now, if you sort the whole database by rating you have to go 51 pages deep before a single-vote 5-star recipe shows up on the list. And 3 star recipes with lots of votes show up several pages before that.
So my point is the sorting algorithm already gives less credit to a creator giving it 5 stars if there aren’t some other people backing up that review. I think what you’re asking for has already been considered, wouldn’t you agree?
I think a steeping field would be good. If nothing else it would remind me to add that info. Just a blank field would be nice to put your particular method for steeping.
I agree! I love the way the sorting currently works. That is what I go by more than anything.
I take the ratings here no more seriously than movies or anything else. I love this place, I love you guys, but I have 5ish working senses and a brain and for my own opinions. I don’t give even the tiniest little cap whether the whole world loves a recipe. If it looks good, I hit it. If it doesnt, I dont. I love praise and would love for you all to go rate the few recipes I have public on here. . .but rate them as you will. It won’t alter my opinion
Tastes change too…some things I used to love I now hate. @TRisin I rate SnVs because that is almost exclusively what I vape. I vape 100ml give or take a day, but lowering my PG% is reducing that some (vaped 10ml of SnV lavender lemonade writing this). I see no harm in rating them as such. It’s helpful for me actually.
Finally on equipment, maybe we could just have a lung-hitter vs. MTL button. Let’s face it, there are big differences.
Daath I have a question. I have been hearing that ELC is having some inconsistent problems with weights in larger batches. Can you check into this please?
Yes the calculator. Some have said that the weights don’t add up. I use a few calculators and measure by weight, they all have conflicting results resulting in grams are to high or to low.