Recipe help please

Hi!! Been a longtime since all my questions!
I want to make this even better but a bit afraid to push certain aromas too far. Also I understand that may mute my whole recipe. I want more flavor out of this though and feel like its not too far out there. But I don’t know where to add more or subtract. Im stuck anyone have any advice on how to make this happen? Also do I have too much going on here in the 1st place?


For me, that has too much cream which would be muting the custard. The Vanilla Swirl tends to do that also for my taste. If you have INW Custard, try around 2% of that, drop the butter cream and bav cream down by half and the Van Swirl to around 1.5%. Steep for at least 4 weeks due to the creams and CAP VCV1.


Less is more thats a lot of everything going on.


I never go above 1% on BC in any custard. No need too honestly id keep the butter cream at the same 1% for starters. Id probably add shisha vanilla at 1.5% instead of vanilla swirl as its got enough cream based concentrates in it. Just my thoughts


I would drop the bavarian cream, butter cream, vanilla swirl altogether, and lower super sweet to 0.5%


As stated above, it’s your variety of creams. Too many and too high of percentages. Their role should be as supporting flavors but the combination of those outweighs the main (I’m guessing) profile of Custard.


Mix it up and see, I wouldn’t trust these hacks. Delltrapp? Dude doesn’t even have a picture, BOT. Pyscho? Weirdo. Ian? MTL guy so he doesn’t know flavour. And well, Tz, well, haven’t formed my opinion on him, only ever see him harassing people on how to spell strawberry, some would argue he got his position by intimidation.


And here’s a serious Fuck You!


Hey take it easy on @anon44012888 the basement dweller :man_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl::rofl:


And one from me too…


Yeah, me too. But i would totally watch the characters he described in a romcom or murder mystery with a scifi element.

@ladycrooks Outside of the other suggestions, that is a mega ton of sweetener as there is already a lot of sweet from the Bavarian, MM and Van Swirl. Maybe church it up a bit with a tiny dash or Rich Cinn.


Ahhh, the murder mystery I could totally see but I would never be in a romcon… lol

Edit, was going to correct romcon to romcom, but figured the first was actually appropriate.


Ya I’ve been working and then on a flailing trip all night just reading these now. Thanks everyone for the replies and suggestions I shall take them and use them! Except for joel cutting ppl up on my post here I’m not happy about that. And that shit don’t help me out at all. Future suggestion @anon44012888 I don’t ask questions to have anyone shooting their mouths off to anyone. And TZ is a solid MF! He’s doing his job! I learned that quick. You can’t take that as anything else.


How come diyordie wayne swears commercial juice is so great cuz of fuckin sweetner? I don’t get it


All depends on the sweetener @ladycrooks. Super Sweet itself is OK and I don’t think it mutes things, but the sweetness in the other flavours is most likely EM which will mute other flavours in the mix. Others will no doubt know more on this subject than I do as I do not use sweeteners as a rule.


Yeah, there’s no EM in Super Sweet, just sucralose with Citric and some sort of additive that starts with B… Don’t remember. If it does mute it has to be pretty high, because I set my bottles in a row when I mixed and I put some in at 3% and it was supposed to be a clear fruit. 3 fillings.


@ladycrooks @Ianc13 has the right answer. And just because Wayne, or anyone else including me, says something doesnt it make it scripture as everyone is different with different tastes. Personally i always disliked the vast majority of commercial juice because of how sweet they are.

I almost never use sweetener with custards because that is how i prefer my custards, so play around and see what you like. Make one with and one without, dont ever be afraid to try something out. Whats the worst thing that could happen? You might have to brush your teeth a few times, hehe.

And Joel is just playing around, breakin balls as we fellas call it.


You like it as is ?? Are you wanting to change it up a Bit ? All these suggestiins are great .

I personally would drop the V. Swirl to the 1ish pct …I like adding a flavor that tasteike it has texture to custards so Cake , Graham Cracker , Cookie , Biscuit etc but only if your trying to change the recipe

Note : For me i would eliminate the MM or one of the creams vut that just me . If i use multiple creams i tend to make sure they are completely different .

Btw Custard Mixes arent my Forte…I love to use Custard flavor but rarely make a Cistard recipe without fruit or bakery elements so the other guys in this thread besides Joel are gonna be the ones to listen to


Sodium Benzoate and or Potassium Sorbate


As far as sweetener go, it’s all up to you, IMHO.
I used to hate using sweetener, but now, if I think I want my juice to be sweeter, it’s not a taboo anymore for me.