Vape kitchen is closed and i really like their bad mother custard.
Does anyone know a diy for mixing my own? Pretty sure chefs have any flavours i need, just haven’t got the recipe!!
Welcome to ELR @Pete_G. Not familiar with that one, but notes always help.
Official Description
The mother of all custard. Need we say more? We start with USP grade VG infused with Madagascar vanilla. That’s right! Vanilla VG made in our kitchens. We then add that to our creamy, rich custard base consisting of 3 different vanillas, 2 complex caramels, 4 different cream/milk compounds and a touch of spice.
I’ve looked all through the forum, i can find reference to it in various comparisons but no recipe.
I was originally introduced to this by the woman who runs vanilla vapes in Camberley, but i haven’t worked there for nearly 3 years.
In other words they are claiming to extract vanilla using VG … I get what your saying though… Pete G there are a few Vanillas out there that should allow you to get close to what they were making i would first start with a Good Vanilla Custard either Cap VCV1 or FA premium Custard…then add a layer of vanilla such as FLV smooth or MF vanilla …if you dont like those prices for those Vanillas then you could grab something like INW shisha vanilla it is good …at this point i like to add something for a fuller mouthfeel INE Yes We cheesecake is nice or mayne Use a mix of FLV cream with their vanilla marshmallow …i do like to also add CAP sweet cream at .5 to 1pct it gives me a nice silky feel to the mix… This is just off the top of my head but there are endless routes to create a Good Vanilla Custard
Note : dont forget to have a sweetener close by just bc that what most commercial companies do ADD SWEETENER
Vanilla custard v1 (cap). 3.0 ml
INW shisha. 3.0 ml
NYCC. 3.0 ml
Sweet cream (cap). 1.0 ml
Caramel. 0.5 ml
From what you saying, i got this?
I thought it’d need 20 different exotic flavours i’ll never be able to get!! Lol
Doesn’t sound very bad mother custard really?
Do you mean Pct instead of ML ??? Im unsure about the ML but something like that heres where I would start
VCV1 4 pct this can go up 1 or 2pct
Shisha Vanilla 1 to 1.5 pct. That 1.5 is tops 1 is better
NYCC cap ?? 2pct
Sweet Cream Cap .5pct to 1pct… .5 is where inwould start
Caramel which one ??? .5 to 2pct depending which one
This will need to steep for 2weeks to 4 …4weeks will be heavenly
Just for fun you can add graham cracker , cookie , biscuit , sugar cookie …i often add some type of bakery to a Cream Heavy recipe it gives the mix a different dimension …a bit of texture
Well of course you should intervene lmao Especially since you have exactly what this person wants lol Thank You …Pete i still think you should create your own as well , but definetly purchase this
Oh thats awesome!!
I’ll be ordering some of that deffo but also really want to create a clone if poss, its quite complicated seeing which flavours mix well with others.
Will look through my flavours, see what i can create and post back tomorrow morning.
@Pete_G I like to have the flavor I am trying to duplicate on hand to compare so I would get a couple and try to leave one for comparison purposes. I usually fail at that, mostly because I can count on one finger the commercial juices I like.
Pete G …you shld use percenatges if your seeking advice…If you put that amount in 30 , 50 100ml etc the recipe changes…I wiuldnt put an equal amount of Shisha Vanilla abd VCV1…the TPA pie crust wouldn’t be a choice for me