[REQ] Bad mother custard diy

I ran across a recipe called “Game’s Over Custard” Mama J’s

does that sound familiar? I don’t know who owns it… So I am hesitant to put it in here. There’s a TON of ingredients including bourbon vanilla and I thought I saw Madagascar Vanilla mentioned as well. I ordered every single flavor listed so I can mix it up… hopefully it’ll get here Saturday and I can mix it up! I cannot wait and I hope it’s what you’re looking for cuz I’m sure I can find the place where I found the recipe and share the link because it was shared publicly when I ran across it.


You can always post recipes… it’s over at BCF




You found it! :joy:. I’m not used to how things work regarding copyright law in here… so I played it safe. On YouTube It’s freaky how weird they get with the copyright issue regarding reactions to music. So I just dipped my toe in to test the water. I’m really glad you figured out where I saw it because I forgot to save the url and I don’t think I could have found it again. Thank you!


Love that custard :slight_smile: Wllc (hope that’s all the letters) created that one she’s at vaping underground still a great mix.

edited after I saw @SessionDrummer comment LOL yep left out the m

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she posted this on ELR in 2015


As far as I know, there’s no such thing as copyrights in recipes. Maybe why there are some recipes enshrined in so much secrecy (just think of coca cola).
What is usually done though, is giving credit to the creator. Some people are using other people’s recipes as if they’re their own or even make money from them without due credit… that’s just something that is morally wrong, but if you have a recipe, no matter where it comes from, you are legally allowed to post it.


I’ve been a custard head forever and while I like all (okay most) the custards I’ve tried, I’ve STILL been trying to pull out the EGGY that’s missing. The latest work in progress is below working off Hollondaise Cream to see if by some chance it really does have egg yolk flavor (and no I’m NOT testing it single flavor because if it DOES taste like eggs I sure don’t want to vape that on its own even in a tester yep sue me) I know those other flavors VERY well so if it adds egg to it, I’ll KNOW

TOC’S Custard Head

1.40% Hollandaise Cream (SC) (WF)
1.00% Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA)
1.00% Meringue (FA)
0.50% Sweetness (Flavorah)
3.00% Vanilla Custard (CAP)

Flavor total: 7.9%

IF that base works out then I’ll add into LOL


The original thread (I think) is Here.

FYI…wllmc is a male.


Crap I knew that too LOL sorry we chatted on FB


Even more secretive is Kentucky Fried Chicken. But the one that is hallowed ground is a grandmother’s recipe. They always keep it “in their head” and never write it down.
I got lucky and asked my mother, as a young married woman who’d been cooking since I was ten (dinner every weekday) why I couldn’t get my chicken gravy to taste like hers… GOOD.
And she asked me if I was adding - insert “bleep” here - and I was all Oooh… :grin:
I had visions of everything my grandmother had ever cooked that I’d eaten with that tweak added and my head said GOTCHA!
So, when my daughters and my son asked me in frustration about what I put in my chicken gravy to make it taste so good I said Garlic.
Why keep such an important ingredient a secret? it is in and on nearly every savory meal my family has cooked since I was a child… back when children went outside and played until the street lights came on.


GOC :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I’m curious about the Sweetner you chose. I am totally just a baby diy’er and I got most of my info from Wayne on Diy or DIE (That NAME! :slightly_smiling_face::eyes:). I got the impression that (CAP) Super Sweet was the only safe sweetener available in that category. But I’m seeing a lot of recipies with different sweeteners listec. The stated reason being it didn’t gunk up your coils. If other sweeteners are just as safe, and don’t gunk up my coils SO fast I’d be very interested as I’m burning through a few coils each day.


Hey, Maschelle :slight_smile: I actually have two I use all the time Sugar Daddy Ricks and Sweetness Flavorah they both work great. I watch a lot from Wayne and Developed too and Fresh and Lumi and Tam … I’m sort of addicted to mixing channels and Frank LOL and Dan The Man when he posts too… I know I’m forgetting someone … oh Pippa vaping down under Wendy … There’s like a show every night with someone mixing now.


And the Master of custards appears!!!


were you forgetting the Master of Custards, since he appeared? :joy:. I feel like I’m in the presence of flavor royalty! The honorable TOC the Blocked and The Master of Custard! :heart_eyes:.:crown:. Seriously, I’m thrilled to be meeting My heroes… even IF I only just learned of your austere presences due to the current Flavor Hysteria.
Hi Master of Custard! Hi SHE who Will be Heard! :blush::custard::wave:t2::sunglasses::wink:


You’ve just made me smile and thank you … @wllmc seriously is a legend I’m just some chick who loves to throw things in a bottle and vape them :heart_eyes:


Welcome! I’m here just a few days on the same type of quest and I see the awesome people that helped me came to your aid as well!
I love this community! :heart:. I know you’ve been here longer than I have, but wanted to say “hi” and glad you were answered! We need those beloved flavors… after all, they helped us save our lives in the case of former smokers. Happy New Year!


Hey :slight_smile: Im an avid lurker :wink:


ooohhh more mixes ???