I have a friend who wants me to make MM for him and he will be paying for the ingredients, and I don’t want to let him waste his money after finding out that the chosen clone isn’t accurate enough.
I would go with the ratings and comments to decide.
Sorry I can’t be of much more help?
The top rated recipe has a comment or two saying that it’s not similar, so was hoping I could ask the forums
That’s the one I was talking about, but you’ve seemed to convince me enough to try it now
Its good , ive made it. Just remember with this kind of juice it needs to steep. Its not a shake and vape.
Thanks for the info. If you could out of 10, rate in accuracy of taste?
I would give this a 8 to 9. And that is really close for a clone.
I was digging around the forums looking for some notes or anything really relating to mothers milk clones… i stumbled across this thread which was interesting to say the least. about 8 months ago a good friend of mine @woftam put me onto a MM clone, all he said was “just mix it mate”, i tell you i haven’t been able to put this juice down since. i must say though i haven’t tried many other clones to date, but in all honesty, i really wasn’t interested anyway since finding grubby mother. The recipe has been pulled down as far as i know and im not sure what my position is around sharing the recipe…but its that good, you know when yu vape a mix and everything just sings, together, harmoniously… this is by far the BEST strawberry cream profile i have come across since i started mixing. so i cant say that the above recipe would be better or worse, but i can ask where and why orange cream comes into the mix. so again i must thank my good friend Simon A for this little treasure, i would still be digging for that perfect strawberry cream profile otherwise…
Sure thing - I just want to stress that I am not the original creator that honour falls to @anon45050679 - I tweaked his original.
If you wish you can ditch the Erythritol 5% & Liquid Stevia (Pyure) and use a small amount of sweetener (probably about .2 super sweet will do it it is quite sweet on its own)
Thank you woftam it looks very good! Grubby has very long time in this clone and he has give alot effort to make it work. I haven’t make it yet, but I have a good feeling. @anon45050679 I remeber your last recipe of this clone was at the end of 2017 and is very close to this one, do you have come with a newer version since then?
this is an amazing recipe @Laberythm im sure it will bring yu years of enjoyment im coming up to a year now and i havent been able to put it down… such a delicious strawberry cream profile, unlike any i have seen on the site anywhere. enjoy matey… comes good about the 10day mark, but yu can vape it straight up…
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