Review on the Cotton - Bacon v2 vs Cotton Candy vs Muji + Some more cottons

Hello Community! :slight_smile:

This review is for those who are interested in the different new cottons on the market. My opinion is subjective of course. We all have different taste buds and so onā€¦ but, maybe someone will find this information interesting.

We all know good old Muji cotton. Itā€™s for a long time on the market and proved itself as a good choice.

Couple of month ago Iā€™ve bough the Cotton Bacon v2 for the first time. Pricey cotton if compared to Muji - 5$ - 7$ ā€¦

But I was really impresed by 3 things:

  1. You donā€™t need to cut the cotton, you can tear it by hand - very comfortable to form the wick - I really enjoyed working with this material. Muji is made from pressed cotton sheets - Cotton Backon is not.
  2. The taste is less agressive compared to Muji and the Cotton Bacon brings out nicely more gentle notes of the juice!
  3. I actually trust those guys who have made this product. They claim that itā€™s a US grown cotton free from chemicals. It feels like a very good product indeed - looks perfect, feels great in the hand, no smell, very clear taste.

I was happy for sometime but then another new kid on the block came out - The Cotton Candy Collection.

Well, I like new stuff - watched couple of reviews via YouTube - the guys out there were telling that itā€™s a fantastic product, very different from anything else that theyā€™ve seen before ā€¦ Yes, I like new stuff! Even though the price grew almost twice from the Cotton Bacon v2 - 9.90$
Wow, that cotton must be really something for that price.
Iā€™ve ordered 2 boxes from the original website.

First impressions - cool packaging, looks like the owner of the product gave it a good thought. I like quality and beautiful packagings! The cotton itsels is super fluffy, much fluffier that the Cotton Bacon. I like stuff that feels good in the hands! Itā€™s an enjoyable experience to wick with it. AND - itā€™s an organic cotton - Iā€™m a fan of organic products. I was pretty happy!

But in the end was really disappointed.

  1. This cotton was represented as the super heat resistant cotton - itā€™s not.

Itā€™s burning similar to Muji. To my opinion the Cotton Bacon is much more resistant. Iā€™ve contacted the owner of the Cotton Candy to find out some information.

I thought that maybe I should wick it in a different way. The owner is a nice guy who had answered all of my questions and gave me an outstanding customer service and Iā€™ve really appreciated that. He has told me that I should use less cotton. Ok, Iā€™ve used less cotton. It burnt less, yes but in the end of the day (I change my cotton every evening), I could still see signs of a bit burnt cotton.

Iā€™m not a coil builder whoā€™s vaping on 100 watts - I ā€œa calm styleā€ vaper - regular micro coils - 26 - 28 gauge, 2 mm, 8 wraps - not more than 30 watts. If that cotton was super heat resistant, I shouldnā€™t have seen a burnt cotton with my style of vaping.

Iā€™m not a begginer in vaping - even though, Iā€™m vaping for a little bit more than 1 year - almost all this time I was wrapping coils and wicked by myself - Iā€™m not a fan of premade coils. I know how to wick! Those 2 facts proves me that the Cotton Candy is not so heat resistant as it was represented to usā€¦

  1. Another disappointment - the taste is pretty weak if compared to the Cotton Bacon. That was a pretty strange discovery for me. Hhhmmmmā€¦ whereā€™s the taste? Why is that?! I donā€™t knowā€¦ Iā€™ve bought an Authentic product from the Authentic web site - itā€™s not a cloned product.

Tried different juices, different coils - nothing. Same weak taste. Wrapped parallel coil which brings out the taste better - with the same result!

Itā€™s a pittyā€¦ Iā€™ve really wanted to like that product! Would like to hear other opinions here. Whatā€™s your experience with the Cotton Candy Collection?

Iā€™ve got back to the Cotton Bacon v2 and Iā€™m very happy with it!


Thanks for the review! Its one of those things that would tempt you in to trying, money saved!

I use cotton bacon v2 and it is awesome, I also enjoy the Muji pads, I have rayon too but sometimes its good sometimes its badā€¦ :confused:

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Thanks for thIs review @WhiteRaven. Iā€™m very new in terms of coilbuilding and wickingā€¦this has been a great help in terms of future purchases! :smiley:

Great review. Always wanted to try it but was not carried by the vendors I used.

Primarily I just use the Pima cotton from eciggity. I do find a break in required. But after that never had a burning issue. Even when I run it dry I get a touch of burnt taste (I knowā€¦duh) but when I inspect the cotton itā€™s all good.

Nice review dude, I use the V2 most of the time, the packaging is the same as TYV ā€˜Fuzzā€™ which I also really like using, although I am running out and have shed loads of V2ā€¦so thatā€™s that :grin:

I was given a sample of cotton candy and have to say I didnā€™t rush out to buy some. I wasnā€™t blown away. But having said that there are people who rave about it and recommend it. But Iā€™m sticking with the bacon. I can get 2 weeks constant use from a bacon wick :slight_smile:ļø

Thank you very much for your feedbacks Community! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve discovered that many of the reviewers on the youtube are not really telling the truth abouth the gear and about the other things too ā€¦ Iā€™ve stopped watching most of them.

One of my favorite reviewers is Vic from Scottland. Hereā€™s the channel:

Vic has a great explanations about everything + heā€™s not commercial and if something is junk, heā€™s telling the truth! Also, heā€™s funny and heā€™s a pleasant guy :slight_smile:


Reviewers that dissapointed me, whoā€™s telling bullocks and commercial to my opinion - VapnFagan, RiP Trippers, Mike Vapes

Iā€™ve used to watch the reviews by those guys and trusted them and spent a lot of money on JUNK because of their reviews.

Again, itā€™s only me and my opinion.

P.S. - Iā€™m sorry if my english isnā€™t so understandable and sorry for the grammar mistakes. Itā€™s not my native language.

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You did a fantastic job :+1:

Thanks Lolly :slight_smile:

You did just fine. Actually better than me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: My grammar is horrible.

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I couldnā€™t agree more with that statement

Another Con that Iā€™ve forgotten to mention.

It was told about the Cotton Candy that it soaks the liquid very fast - that is not true. Made a short video about that.


Your review is wonderful. I was thinking about grabbing some of that cotton candy, but Iā€™ll hold off now.

If youā€™re interested, I have basically a movie on YouTube about wicking material.
Iā€™ll shoot you the link if youā€™d like.


Thanks @SynysterVapes !!!

shoot the link :slight_smile:

Hey @SynysterVapesā€¦could you possibly give me the link to that video as well please?

If it isnā€™t something secret @SynysterVapes why not post the link here in the thread so everyone thatā€™s interested can check it out.


Iā€™d be quite interested to see that too. As someone relatively new to all this, the more information the better.

Sure everyone. I wasnā€™t sure if it was cool to post videos like that here. Didnā€™t want to ruffle any feathers.
The video is over an hour long, I try to stay away from tons of jump cuts and other bullshit.
I record on an Android phone and lightly edit there as well.