Revisiting Cherry / Cherries!

That’s when I started seeing people mentioning it, didn’t know it’s not new new, thanks for clarification tho.


I wish I did @NChris. I only have about 7 MF flavors currently, and the price/fear/price is what stopped me from trying their different cherries.


I hear ya. I wouldn’t take a chance on something like a cherry but since I got it as a throw in, I’ll play around with it and see what I can come up with.


This separation when standing and cloudiness when shaken is normal for TPA Maraschino Cherry ??

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TPA site states that that flavor is known to separate and to shake well before use. I know I added a little to a NET and it clouded up the mix but that disappeared in a couple days. Mine was stored in glass because it is reported that it cracks plastics (?).


Still waiting on the newest flavors from TPA … “Placebo” and “The Power of Suggestion” :smirk:

Along that line I think there’s a Capri Sun recipe or a Juicy Juice Apple recipe …bet you could add a couple drops of Cherry …and add the power of suggestion, that you indeed made Cherry Capri Sun and get that Thumbs Up …recipe? …it was out in the Forum and I think I captured it (adapted), basically an apple juice box kinda vape …lemme look

here’s one that sounds ripe for this adaptation, but not the one I’m looking for Thanks to @ffrank

or maybe this one from @Ghettotrout a little Sour might work with the Cherry

some more clues…

…or somewhere in-between

The post sticking in my brain I think Is Anon’s: Mandy’s Brandy …minus the Brandy parts. Not a recipe …more Apple clues. The idea being make a solid Capri Sun Juice Box and add a couple drops of Cherry (?)


Ok been looking at tpa website and a few other books about the compounds in cherry. almond could be a great additive or it could be a terrible one lol if it is terrible then we know that the compound Benzyl acetate Could be one to avoid.
The maraschino cherry contains high amounts of Benzaldehyde so this could be (in my theory) one to avoid.
This is just my own theory i am no scientist but hopefully you get what i am saying.


what % of French Vanilla ? I use to get maraschino cherry from MBV before I started DIY. So I know it is possible

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3.5%, just enough to cut the MC a little.

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Heard good reports of this one from RF

I’ve actually got this in my stash, but haven’t got around to mixing it yet…too absorbed by mixing the MF cherries, ofc. :laughing:

As regards MF, I’ve now tried all three of their cherries, and I still think that their Black Cherry is the best. Totally natural, with no weird off-notes… weeeeellll, so long as you steep it for ages, that is (I recommend a minimum of 6 weeks)


Aw the cherry dilemma ! My goodness if I had to say which one I’d throw out on your list it would be the Maraschino Cherry TPA it is super potent and comes off very chemical even with a long steep. I have had the best of luck with INW 's Cherries but like you I want to add INW Cherry to the stash ! I’ll follow this to see how that goes !


Cherry is a bitch… Whoever learn to produce a very solid cherry will make a gold mine in cash.


very true , however INW cherries between 1 to 1.5 is nice


Probably the best I’ve tried, but still… Not that spot on Cherry I want… :no_mouth:

IMO no one have made that “O’ DAMN!!!” cherry flavor yet.


agreed 10char

i had a cherry shake not too long ago , if i cld get that flavor id be happy , it would probably be my go to fruit flave lol


Now I’m all twisted… No O’ Damn Cherry! or No O’ Damn Cheesecake!
My favorite dessert!

I’m waiting for @SessionDrummer to review them both!


@Pro_Vapes I’m in about the exact same boat as you (and others). Why IS it, that you can run out grab a handful of cherry sodas, cherry syrups, cherry water ice all day long, but you just can’t get a banging cherry vape ?? @fidalgo_vapes I’m going to test up some of that INW and see what’s what with it. What do you guys think of FW Cherry Crush ?? Smelled pretty scary good when mixing, and mine’s still steeping.


Is it a new FW flavor? If not then we would have heard about it already.


ive never had it , i went through a lot of cherries when i first started mixing and got excited when new ones came out byt have always been disappointed , the cherries inw is nice in a mix as a supporting flavor I really need to see how it holds up as the main note…


Didn’t loose sight of this, but have too many irons in the fire. FINALLY got around to testing FW Cherry Crush, and I’m actually impressed. I appreciate the time everyone above took in this thread. Going to KEEP the Cherry Crush, and re-test a few other Cherries to see how things play together.