Was wondering if i could use these Boots Everyday Organic Cotton Wool Balls x 100 - Boots as wick as im running out of options with the wotofo profile m. Using muji is hit or miss lately. No matter what i do im only getting 70% success rate. I do it the same as times before and its a nightmare cause is doesnt work out
I’ve never used Boots cotton myself, though I’ve had no issues with Muji
(apart from it needing drip more frequently - as it burns and singes very easily).
I know it’s a bit of a basic question but, are you removing the top and bottom from the Muji cotton and fluffing it a little before feeding it through the coils?
Yeah i tear them into thin strips and then fluff it up before i pull it through. it only happens in the wotofo profile m the saturation isnt quick enough as its short from deck to wells. Geekvape zues m rta no issues but this is just getting out of hand. I figured these say organic so could i use them. The girl at the makeup counter let me check one out and it was extremely soft and quite fluffy so i started to think could i use it cause it says organic
Well you won’t explode from giving it a go.
You know that I cannot give advice on capillary action for tanks and RTAs.
Im thinking ill try it out to see if its ok. The way i change cotton in my partners rtas using bacon prime would cost me £100 a month lol
Should be able to use it. Before you buy the key word you should be looking for is unbleached. Organic is odd term that is over used for anything except GMO.
Why I switched to Muji.
When you have to devote an afternoon to cotton change, Bacon drains my petty cash.
It has no off smell to it. Was wondering if maybe i shoild boil it anyways before i try it out. I asked them at the store if it was unbleached but they didnt know what to say. But it is white like cotton bacon so i thought maybe its been washed out already for whatever this means
- Our cotton balls are Non-Fleecing
With certification to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) the use of hazardous chemicals is prohibited, and all waste water is treated, protecting workers and their water supplies. CO2: The farming methods lock CO2 into the soil. The soil is nurtured making it viable for the long term.
It promotes fairer and safer working conditions.
Hazards and Cautions
This product is manufactured using natural fibres so may contain small pieces of cotton seed, husk or stalk.
Its too expensive with her everyday or two. So yeah its too much. I do wish i didn’t get that profile m. Iys so touch and and go. Hit or miss its wearing on me
Well, trying to wean her onto RDAs may be a challenge but, when she knows that the cost reduction can mean a damn good meal - It may change her mind.
Mrs. Squirrel doesn’t mind any vape or art bills I generate as she knows she’ll get some fancy dinners when she calculates what that time smoking would have cost.
Sounds like the cotton I buy from Amazon except Amazon’s is about 5mm round by 120 feet (36.5 meters).
Whats that stuff called
I don’t have the M but I use Profiles everyday. I had the same problem of them not wicking quickly enough. I solved it by putting a small amount of rayon inside the cotton. Works great because rayon sucks up juice faster while the cottons holds it better.
They said no bleach is used its most likely hydrogen peroxide cleansing. I went and grabbed some and im starting to think that cotton bacon prime used the same procedure.same color as the cotton balls. No off smells to it at all so ill give it try and see what happens. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger.
I’ve used organic coton balls in the past and while not my favorite, I did get a good experience from usuing them. I’m pretty much using the organic rope type similar if not the same, as what @rcleven posted. It’s worked well with all my RDAs and tanks including the m. What I did find is that I have to take a full width strand and maybe a pinch more to make sure there is a boatload of cotton under the coil, then I trim off a layer from the legs so the juice well isn’t overly stuffed. I’ve found that works well 95% of the time.
It’s funny you mention you have no problems with the Zeus but do with the m. I’m the exact opposite. I have to pack that sucker in super tight to make sure that coil is always saturated.
The zues was less hassle as the deck was a lot more higher then with the m. She chain vapes short bursts when she vapes. So what tends too happen is the cotton gets dried and by the next time its not saturated enough and bam dry hit. What i just started doing was trimming the ends so its barely in the well and that seems to work ok. The cotton balls have not changed the flavor im getting on my liquid much at all. I dripped a few steepers and the strawberry is more in your face on both with the cotton balls. So what im thinking is the absorption rate is faster im going to use the cotton balls as a inner core and wrap the muji around it. Hopefully it will make it so it saturates more. But muji is really a no go on theses stubby mesh rtas
As long as it’s organic unbleached cotton, you can use it.
It does say they dont use any chemicals so i think they are good. Been vaping all day no issues no funky tastes