I agree, Sir. You do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.
Thank you my mixing mentor.
Could it be that we missed something SD?
VTA only 23 flavors?
No FW?
How does that Candy Licorice compare to FLV?
@mikser I’ve been thinking about that a lot. VTA’s are getting hard/er to come by, and I wasn’t sure if I’d do more of them or not. The TPA, INW, and FW opens up a whole new conundrum, mostly because they’ve been out soo long, and most have been reviewed ad naseum. I don’t know, let me think on it.
I don’t have FLV but i wasn’t impressed with this one at all. The only other licorice i have is LA and that one is way better. I would recommend you Coconut Cookies (and get that Bakery Orange finally ;).
I have INW Coconut Cookie and it’s very good. I didn’t know SSA has it. I was looking at the Bakery Orange, sounds good! Thx
Did you mean SSA Coconut Cream? I didn’t see Coconut Cookies or Bakery Orange. Not at BCF anyway. You were talking about SSA, right?
@Mikser I just mixed up the Series V of the Jungle Flavor Ultimates, and some One Shots. Because the JF/FJ is growing bigger, I decided to just lump them into one review, rather than split the flavors and shots.
Thank you.
Hmmm… This will make some mess in there since we have JF oneshots and flavors separated.
I was thinking it might be better to just update your previous series (which was done this year anyway for both, regulars and oneshots and that would make no harm there and all would be in one place and easy to find for those interested)?
(you can add 5 more to the previous series there as an update for both, flavors and oneshots and it would be easier to find for everyone?)
I will add this here as you suggested, but think about it and i can turn it back if needed, since only link would be changed. Let me know.
Update: Added!
Thank you @Mikser, I know what you’re talking about. I looked at it for quite a while, trying to figure out the best (and) easiest way to do it.
Let me think on that.
@Mikser the Flavor Jungle Part 5 was getting long so I started up a NEW Part 6 !!!
Thank you my mixing mentor. I KNOW some of these groups were getting pretty long.
Maybe an idea; when you finish one and start another, you could add a link there
- on the end of the page (that comment will not be last for long time anyway, but still - to close that chapter) and
- on the end of your first post with reviews (for example on this part 5, there would be a link at the bottom of the first comment to part 6)
…to open the next page of reviews. This would help users to jump from one to another without searching where the next reviews are. Just an idea (but you’d know this better anyway). Thx for reviews.
I think I started doing that on another thread, but it was taking quite a while LOL.
I’ve added “Jump to”, and “Quick Jump” to all the Flavor Jungle reviews.