Lets see your brew labels! Hope you like mine as much as I do!
I’m trying to make a name for myself so I’m sharing as much of my story, craft and knowledge as possible. I am also open to doing design work for ELR members. Just ask nicely
Thanks my lord! These are the ones I use for my finalized and popular recipes. I have a couple rolls of stickers and I pen in the bottle info using an oil based, ultra fine silver sharpie. Swanky right?
You mean I been doing it wrong this whole time? DAMMIT!!!
Those are excellent! If I ever decide to go commercial I’ll know where to reach out. I love how you have those names broken into 3 words. Cryptic but awesome.
Yeah I do too. Only because I don’t make any juices in those that last any length of time. Each one is a shake and vape and gone within 1 month of mix. For all the rest I just use the amber 1oz bottle with dripper tops.
Lemme get in on this. I made these a while ago. Some of you might have seen my post on Reddit about it. I would probably change some things now though.
You said to ask really really nicely like…lol…my asking really nicely like would sound more like a begging crying mess…lol…that is what I am really stuck on at this point is the label’s… I would consider you a angle or mirrical worker if for by some chance u could help me…I have no way that I can come up with at this point into making labels at all…please help if u can…