If I use no added sweeteners or FW (Fructose West) concentrates in a mix, I can go 60ml’s before a rewick, except 1 at 50ml’s. If I use FW or a few other concentrates, then much less. My coils are merely blackened with a very tiny crust, cotton washes out clean with slight darkening where it was through the coil.
Don’t get me wrong about FW, they’ve got some great stuff.
I have a good buddy that’s a strict mech guy and commercial juices and when I asked him he said ‘every 23 hours’, go figure.
I’m in Canada and our delicacy of course is the wild canadian bald beaver
Having said that, my family would try to head down to Morgantown WV once or twice a year, by way of Newell OH, pay the toll over the bridge to Newell WV. Stop at Homer Laughlin, home of Fiesta, then mosey our way to Morgantown.
My aunt, a big shopper would make us visit at least 4 or 5 Gabe’s on our 5 day visit.
I do believe I had one of the wild Canadian bald beavers once when I was stationed in Grand Forks North Dakota
Gabe’s is the shopping Mecca for West Virginia
GO “EER’s”
What I found way cool is that Leslie Nielsen was known as a dramatic actor for many, many years and when he switched to comedy, he just nailed it. His comedic timing, body language and facial expressions were perfect. Loved “Police Squad” (my brother turned me on to that show) and all of the “Naked Gun” movies. Laugh out loud funny !!
So i start at the bottom of the thread, hit the scroll wheel to start where i left off, words speed on by in a blur and some how my eyes picked up on those words…
Not a dumb question at all, and i may be chipping in too late, but I rewick when the vapour gets smaller and also because I’m lazy, it’ll sometimes be well after that so that I have to overfill my wicking (RDA’s) so I sometimes get some ejuice in my mouth as its spits back haha!
But yeh normally about once a week sometimes a bit more often.
I rewick for the same reasons as above and also when I’m changing flavours, of course if it’s an entirely different flavour to the one that I’d been vaping previously then I clean the whole tank before rewicking.
I use a Wotofo Profile Unity in my rotation and it’s going on a month for the same mesh and wick. I guess I’m frugal like that but even if I change juices, as long as the ingredients are similar it’s all good. The wick doesn’t look any different than it would after a week. Juice with quite different ingredients then yeah, it all gets changed.
I do the same on any of my RTA’s. As long as a cream or custard it’s even gotten better taste till the juice in the cotton has turned over. I mark it up to being cheep and lazy though.
I’m lazy at times also, I currently have one that i need to re-wick so I set it to the side the other day and am using my Apocalypse, I have the intentions of changing all at the same time however, I’m sure that will not work out either. Considering having my daughter move back in with me so I can make her do it!