First off, HUGE shout and thank you to Eric Rubin and all the folks at Origin Vape for getting the Sigelei 75 in my hands as quickly as they did! The mod wasn’t in their shop for more than 12 hours before it was back in USPS shipping to me. Great customer service guys and gals! Thanks for the smarties candy with the package! Yummy! ; )
This is a quick unboxing review with pretty pictures of the mod and the occasional background shot of my kitchen/workspace! I have a BFA in Theatre Lighting Design, not Photography. So here we go!
First of all, kudos to Sigelei for keeping the packaging small, tight and recycle friendly. The mod comes in a translucent protective silicone sleeve; keeps it from rattling around in the case. This mod is nice and small; fits in the hand just right, without feeling like you’re holding a small book.
Both side doors of the mod, held on by nice strong magnets, pop off with some effort, revealing the battery slot. Shipped with the mod is a USB adapter, which for shipping purposes, is located in the battery compartment.
Now to take you on a 360 degree tour of the Sigelei 75; these pictures are in no particular order. There is a black Sigelei 150w shown in the photos to show size comparison.
So that’s it for the unboxing. I can tell you, she’s working as expected and like champ.
I’ll give it workout for a few days and then be back with, what I call, a full review. I’m not too much of a talker, so it will be to the point. Video review? Forget about it! I’m not one for the limelight!
Just puled the trigger on one of these from VapeNW.
I’m still very green and couldn’t justify some ~$200 top of the line or SX Mini just to check out TC so I went with what seems to be a highly regarded brand and a fair price/power point. Don’t know why but I was under the impression that this was not a new model. I was trying to not play guinea pig.
I added some nickel but also a pack of Ni200 coils for my Subtanks because I can’t find info on standard res per wrap for nickel wire (for my RDAs). So at least I’ll be able to play with it right away when it arrives. Patience is so overrated.
Have you checked out the coil wrapping on steam-engine? They have an option for Nickel. Good luck! I had a brief foray with TC and loved it, but my TC mod doesn’t exactly do TC all that well. I’m really lookin at this one and a goblin mini for my next purchase.
I did check before I sent the order (Coil Toy however does not do Ni or Ti).
It was only a brief look but enough to order 28 and 30. I’ll have some time before it arrives so I’ll keep looking for tips and tricks (Mon maybe? Sat maybe if it ships early tomorrow).
I almost included a new iStick 40TC with the order, but so far the consensus is that it runs damn hot. It shouldn’t unless Eleaf put some serious crap batt in it. Right? It’s only 40 watts and has low res protection. Any decent 18650 should handle whatever it will fire.
I’ve got a 50 and 3 30s with no issues (fingers crossed) but that was a risk I just didn’t feel like playing with.
Now then… when will Jim grace us with some further details? Waiting on this particular vapeMail might be tough.
“Have you checked out the coil wrapping on steam-engine? They have an option for Nickel.”
JoJo… I don’t want to hijack Jim’s thread but I thought I’d explain what I meant earlier.
On some Coil 101 vid, the guy had the rolls laid out with res placards so I made a cheatsheet. The gist was that with a simple build 6, 7 or 8 wraps was a nice baseline.
Standard res for each gauge of Kanthal at 7 wraps was given as…
24 - .45
26 - .75
28 - 1.1
30 - 1.85
32 - 3.0
34 - 5.0
As I still have my training wheels on, this is very handy and I’d love the same data for Ni and Ti. Not to mention that with these new conductors, we’re getting pretty much stupid low in resistance. The reg mods will keep me from a Kaboom, but I’d still rather not waste the pricier wire (until I get a stockpile at least).
Sorry @Jim_MDP! I have been slammed at the theatre, loading in a production of “Buddy Holley” and haven’t had time to get to a working review yet! I can tell you this mod is as simple as it gets when dealing with TC. Just gotta make sure the wires are tight under the screws and you’re good to go. I hate to be cheesy about this, but folks are putting out video reviews of this mod left and right. Give the YouTube a gander for a few in depth talks.
It wouldn’t be too terribly difficult to do the same thing with the Nickel using the coil calculator, but you’d have to take into account the ID as well. Not sure what they were using. I bought 28 and 30 also and built 0.15-0.2 ohm coils. I I sometimes use a measuring tape to measure out the length of wire I need, depending on how lazy I’m feeling that day. If you click on advanced, it gives you some really fun options and information, especially if you’re into the math behind coils.
Just takin’ the piss Jim. I shoulda put the smilie after that sentence.
I’s just that it’s almost 11AM here on the Wet Coast (US) and no “shipped” email from VapeNW. It’s been over 18 hours since I ordered… don’t they know how important I think I am?
VapeNW got the package out by the afternoon (Thurs) and the Gov’t boys in blue say delivery on Saturday.
Granted, it’s only a few hundred miles down the coast, but I’m fairly remote so that’ll be pleasant for free shipping. If it happens.
I actually kinda messed up on timing. I don’t count on Saturday ever, so I try to order early in the week, or later and just let it travel over the weekend. Or some variation so it doesn’t have to cover two weekends depending on origin.
Got excited and ordered from nearby on a Wednesday. Oops.
I’ve no removable mods, just the iSticks, so looking at the limited selection (no 25Rs) I went with LG HE4s.
Avoided the Efests and the VTCs were twice the price (should have bought one anyway?)
I think it was the best choice but the 0.1 ohm area is pretty damn unforgiving.
Any opinions welcome.
ETA: I realize that 75w is maxing out a single 18650 at these ohm levels. We’re walking a thin line here.
I use the efest @ .06. No heat… no problems. I’m only getting about 6hrs per charge. I charged it twice last night a once today. Battery life sux. It also have about 1.5 second delay before it hit temp. First pull… nothing but air.
As expected I didn’t do a build last night and may not get around to it today either. Playing with just the Nano and a Ni coil but it means I haven’t been able to try the “cotton burn” test. Still… all is well.
That said, two things… I did order the Silver and the silicone sleeve is black, not the translucent white. Two of my iSticks have the white and I’m glad to have this one in black. Just a mention for anyone who cares.
The other thing is the weight… the mass of this thing is surprising. It’s noticeably heavier than my 50w iStick though the iStick is a dual cell. how much can the aluminum case weigh?
It’s funny now to grab a 30w iStick with a Derringer. Like a feather.
Makes me wonder what the high power dual cell mods feel like.
It’s just an observation and I don’t have a local B&M to go to and handle these things. Maybe Jim and ND and others can chime in about it. I just wouldn’t call this “pocket friendly”.