
They would only be using it at 2% if they make a 10% dilution as it is very strong. I think if used at 0.2% would be the maximum. One drop per 15ml is enough.


@Guido_Possum If you only want one flavor house you could do a @Smoky_Blue and only use FLV. Good luck, it is up to you what you do.


I’ve heard that also but haven’t bought any so can’t confirm.


24 pounds - that’s about $AUD75 anyway, even with those discounts applied.

Locally, I get overnight express shipping on $75 orders and could not only buy the vanilla, but two other 30mL bottles for that $75 and have a maximum 2 day wait (usually it’s here the next day though).

Time is the only thing that’s irreplaceable, so two weeks waiting for flavours or hardware or anything - that’s 2 weeks I’ll never get back: granted two weeks flies by quickly enough, but I would rather know what flavours I’ve got tomorrow then find out what the next orders flavours are like a few days after that, than be waiting two weeks for the first order to even arrive.

I can accumulate three or for times more in two weeks doing it my way, opposed to waiting on some overseas vendor or mail service to sluggishly volley my parcel around for weeks before I even get it.

Less time waiting = more knowledge every few days.

Money is very replaceable.

The 80/20 ratio is also wrong: to date of the 40 odd flavours ordered only 3 flavours have left me dubious about whether I can use them happily in any recipe requiring them:

  • Capella Bavarian Cream
  • Capella Caramel v1
  • Black Cat for Pipe

The last of which was only ordered as a lucky-dip random and is too complicated to go in a mix but still smells alright and is steeping now.

Every other flavour I’ve ordered is perfectly fine, on point for flavour and have no weird notes in them at all.


I have most of the Silverlines, and even tested some, and they were fairly unique, and have a great corner in the market. Not the strongest, but no different than TPA or others.

The Fruit Circles, Apple Snacks, and Whipped Marshmallow were the stand outs during my tests.


Well just go ahead and ruin my Silver = Second Place joke …Lmao…In all seriousness Silverline is a more affordable line developed by Cap…silverline is more in line with TPA and FW and that why they put them out . I like a lot of the Silverline and love the fact they are different from their Original


Hehe, crap, I totally missed that. Woot !!!



But that’s for both 30ml bottles with shipment. :wink:

Only Smooth Vanilla (which you said it would cost you 50.25 AUD) would be just £15.71 (28.03 AUD) at Chefs. So there is some difference… (actually Smooth Vanilla + Sweet Coconut + Vanilla Pudding + shipping would cost you 52.08 AUD)

You’re right, everyone has their own priorities.


Hmm I’ve always put CAP on equal ground with TPA and FW strength-wise.


I meant Price …Sorry


True that is cheaper.

The AUD must’ve crawled up over the past few years - it used to be only 1/3 the value of the pound.


Not one flavour house: I’ve already got several brands.

I want to avoid filling my cupboard with a million little bottles of shit I never should’ve ordered to start with.

I order flavours I know I’ll like in bottles large enough to be useful.

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