thats a bad pic
True but should be enough to get the wicking into the juice channels at least. Otherwise flooding can occur…I bend my cotton upward and install the cap. Then I wet down the cotton and take a very small screwdriver and arrange the cotton into the juice channels. Works for me. Come to think of it, if you are not getting the cap completely down I imagine you could get some leaking. That is why I bend the cotton upward so I do not get cotton in the threads when screwing on the cap…
hemp wick…where does one acquire such item?
I’ve struggled with this myself. The single rba is the easier one to deal with because there are only two juice channels. I’m going to share what I learned about both these to help whoever may read this thread. But I do recommend the dual rba for this tank as recommended by Pro_Vapes and Daath
First the single RBA. Make sure you’re only building your coils about half the width of the RBA itself, maybe a tad wider. Otherwise you don’t leave enough room between the outside of the coil and the inner wall of the chimney without pressing on the wicking. The chimney should be able to slide down without moving the wicking. However, IMO this applies when you’re not using this method -
I use this quite a bit but still get some leaking on occasion. When that happens I simply pull the build and arrange the wick with a precision screwdriver (chimney off) so that the wick is sitting flat on the RBA deck and covering the wick channels with just a tiny tad of wick in the channel. Works every time.
For the dual RBA, the first thing to watch is your coil build. The proper way to install coils is shown below. As you know in a build like this, the coil has a leg that comes off the top of the coil and one from the bottom. The bottom one (circled below) is essential to put on the inside of the screw as shown rather than the outside of the screw. If on the outside the leg will be in the way of your wicking. The wicking method, though, is the same as the single. Just be sure your wick is not going over the air holes under the coil.
Hemp wick:
I picked it up on amazon, it’s a brand called “green remedy.” A fat sack of 9+grams for $10. It goes a long way, even building dual coil drippers.
Mine hangs all the way out of the rba with the cover on, just a touch…not to brag. I’ll try to shorten it up, maybe rewick with cotton and see if I can hit this coil any harder. Maybe the wick is blocking the passage too much, but I’m way underwhelmed.
One of my favorite dripping juices is nasty as hell on the 3 coil, where the John Wayne clone is AMAZING.
OP, any progress?
One day of use and with the rba on my tfv4 and dropped it. Nothing abnormal for me drop my mods and tanks all the time( sig 150 in 2 feet of water) so far all still work. This time my mod is saying check atomizer with rba installed. When I put factory coil in though, no problem. Can’t find anything wrong with the rda though??? Rda was inside the tank so I can’t figure how it could have been damaged. Any one can help???
Perhaps the impact damaged an insulator. I would tear it all down and inspect and if you don;'t see anything wrong, rebuild and try again. What mod are you using? If it has 18650 batteries (especially the xCube!) pull them to “reset” the mod. I have to do that about ever 3-4 battery changes. Also inspect the batteries to see if impact damaged the pos or neg ends.
I have torn down and cleaned the tfv4, or are you saying tear down the rda? How?
Just curious, did you rebuild the RBA? I had trouble with the wire being cut by the screws. Though it appeared as though the wire was in place and screws tight, it was actually cut and just inside the hole hanging. Possibly jarring the tank finished the cut. Just a thought. Make sure the center pin in the base is all the way in too, it must contact the coil of course…
No it is the factory build, will put new build in though to check. Centre pin? Does not look like they adjust?
Excellent thought. I never had much luck with the holes and when using the single RBA head ended up with the leads under the screw head. Pain in the ass but solid. Also, gotta make sure the lead that jumps the gap between positive/negative on the deck isn’t shorting it.
So @john70, let’s define some terms here. Because you were saying RDA (rebuildable dripping atomizer) so I thought you had two different toppers - a dripper and the TFV4. But you’re talking about the RBA (rebuildable atomizer) for the TFV4, right? If so we’re on the same page now…confusion on my end.
So, the enormous center pin on the RBA deck is actually threaded on the end which goes through the positive plate of the build deck. It holds down the peek insulator. Does yours look cockeyed like this?
If not, you still may have an issue. Place a screwdriver through the hold on the pin and hold the threaded part of the atty firmly. Can you wiggle it back and forth? Is the positive deck moving?
If so, you may have a bad connection in your positive pin. If you have some small channel lock pliers that works best. But anything you can grip the positive and negative plates with at the same time (gently) then use the screwdriver to tighten it back up. With the pin facing you it will tighten clockwise.
See if that helps.
I’ve not had any issues with my dual coil deck. I would imagine it’s much the same but I have it wicked and loaded so I’m not tearing it down just now. If you still need help with this tomorrow when my tank is empty post a note here and I’ll tear mine down so I can share with you.
Not cockeyed no, put screwdriver in, held top and twisted eighth or so of a turn. Did not seem loose when I tried to wiggle. Will take factory coil out and try again. Thx for all the help
Oh yeah, remember that too…
Check atomizer Got to get some sleep. Will put new build in tomorrow. Getting a couple dual coil rba for smok wed
This is most likely the culprit. I had the same issue, but bought a thicker o ring and it stopped leaking. When you screw it all the way down, the o-ring bunches and leaves a gap that juice flows through.
I have had nothing but leaking issues with my tfv4 mini since I got it. With stock coils, I don’t build. I have tried every trick I have found on the forums and youtube, except for buying new o-rings for it as suggested on one forum. First tank or two run right out the air holes slowly while sitting there. I’m done with it. Going to put it along with some other hardware up for sale or trade on one of those appropriate forums. My frustration level with it has ruined me with it. I’ve gone through two $20 boxes of coils. Not throwing away more money. From what I’ve read it’s a fairly common issue with these tanks…