So let me get this straight: I get a cheap mod with rad features and in return they get: my login credentials (to their site), access to my phone’s data, my identity, the ability to take pictures, my location AND my credit card information in order to activate a primary capability of the device, even though the cost is essentially zero? Now, am I high or have we all been hit with THE best scam ever? Good time for identity protection I would say.
You know there was I time I would have laughed at those statements. Its really sad that I’m not laughing. You darn well better watch out for that kind of stuff. Bravo to u my friend for spotting the danger and having the stones to step up and speak out. Worst of all is that I still love the stupid hokie light strip . lol
That sounds a little paranoid, but on the other hand I wouldn’t put it past a Chinese company to pull something like that. If they were a little less established, I’d be concerned.
Can you use PayPal to mitigate some of the risk?
And sorry if that first sentence came off as xenophobic, but you try running any sort of web or FTP server and tell me what country over 50% of the brute force attacks come from. There are a lot of tech savvy criminals operating out of .cn
I mean the tank…it’s good, the freaking coils are laser etched. I mean, they’re legit, yeah? BUUUTTT they’re passing around a cup to get my $0.49? It doesn’t compute. That review slapped me in the face. . .and DAYS into this we don’t hear a peep?
It just doesn’t seem, you know…sane…right? PV? Someone call this BS.
I’m with @zigz - sounds paranoid They’re exploring new ways of making money, finding ways to earn money on older devices by doing upgrades (that otherwise might not have gotten updates).
Cool. I guess that makes some semblance of sense, thanks. But alienating the 50k+ people that downloaded the app plus the publicity…well, it’s pretty obvious that they have fallen flat on their faces in that attempt.
I won’t even be keeping my TFV4. Don’t care how good it is. I stick to my principles when so callously treated. Wont spend another dime on their garbage or another second of wasted time.
People mistake the intent of apps that want to use your phone’s camera, microphone, gallery, etc for malicious purposes. Sure, if they wanted to they could watch you while you take a crap. But it is just using those features within the app to allow you to do things. Without that ability how can you share to Facebook, Google, Amazon, the CIA, your friends, some people you friended to play farmville with, and a bunch of other people who really don’t give a shit that your kid just got a B on his report card? Technology - gotta love it even if ya hate it.
Personally, I don’t get warm fuzzies from a company charging for a firmware update. To me that’s like “Here, buy this semi-functional hardware” “Now pay us more to make everything work” Seriously?
I agree. And my friend bought one. When I saw it the craftsmanship just seemed a little cheap to me. I will stick with my Sigelei. Hell even my Cherry Bomber feels nicer in my hand.
Yes, you can and I used my neighbours tablet since I don’t have one Mind you, according to an article I read a while back, the Chinese have been building backdoors into harddrives so they spy on you no matter what. Its probably the CIA that should be worried about that, not us
I sure hope whoever does the spying has a better grasp of the English language than the average Chinese customer service
Yeah, I get what you are saying and am plenty savvy enough to understand why there are legit uses of those functions. However, I simply referenced or stated facts, from which folks can draw their own conclusions. The one I posited, that this could be an elaborate scam, is no less plausible in light of the legit potentials. . .and you gotta admit charging me $0.49 has NO legit purpose. Then they could have left out the vape bands and given me the Ti function!
I got my ipv3 li up and running in TC with dual Ti coils on a Bellus RTA with no instructions or downloads having never touched a YiHi mod and it’s function is far superior to the sketchy TC I was able to get a couple of times before having to go back to the failure of an app that eventually locked me out on the cube. Mechanically I really dig the Cube, but it just plain sucks to operate. The TFV4 tank is nice, but all Smok products are leaving my place.
Interestingly, I have to almost completely choke the Bellus to match the flavor of the TFV4. Bellus thus far is a bitch of a juice leaker. Pops and splatters like my dipper running 0.1Ohms too. Not sure about it yet. IPV3 li is certainly not as nice in the hand as the cube, screen is also no match, but it seems way more efficient.
Hey, if I can make it into a conspiracy theory, it will be so. Luckily, they left the door wide open and put up a sign inviting me in…just wish I wouldn’t have waited 6 weeks for an all black failure model to prime the conspiracy pump.
I bought on ebay and the guy seems to be trying to help me out. . .but I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes. I could see a lot of people reversing charges on this.
Personally, I don’t like the idea of paying for functionality after you’ve paid for the device. It’s a matter of principle. You wouldn’t buy a new car without a radiator would you? I also don’t like the idea of an app asking for information that isn’t necessary for it to work. Not that I think there is anything nefarious going on, but why is it necessary? It’s most likely safe but again, for me it’s a matter of principle.
I am a conspiracy nut myself at times. But I also look at it this way… yeah they are tracking us. They know everything about me because Facebook, Google, Android, my job, my SSN, my gps, and everything else has been used with, and/or bought with my credit card. Every bit of communication we do with one another gets filtered through billions of dollars worth of high tech gadgetry they put in space while we oohed and awed at their ability to put it up there.
But it’s not like I am a terrorist. So I don’t really care if they know what I’m doing or where I’m at. In my opinion, if a guy decides to bring a gun to my kids school, I hope they have the ability to stop him before he does. I don’t like it. But it’s not like they can pick who they need to watch. Maybe we should all go back to chopping firewood to keep warm in the winter. A simpler life sounds more appealing the older I get.
As far as paying for the upgrade, does it say on the box it works with Titanium wire?