Well, I’ve got that going for me. That is literally all I do when it comes to any hobby or serious interest of mine, whether it be vaping, mixing, glassblowing, etc. I research until I end up falling asleep with my phone in my hands, wake up and pick up where I left off. It’s my favorite part about it. I love digging in and learning as much as possible, asking questions when necessary and soaking up all available information.
[quote=“ringling”]There is no algorithm to figure out what your taste buds like. Shame though, might make it easier. This tells you that you hit the nail right on the head. It’s Mix it, Test it (Taste), adjust it from there. See you’re getting the hang of this already.
It may sound like a lot of work sometimes but what you will realize is you are gonna get real familiar with the flavors you like to use. You’ll learn flavor pairing (a Necessity). You will start hitting what you like quickly because you have learned your flavors and also learned how please YOUR TASTE BUDS in mixes…[/quote]
It really doesn’t sound like a lot of work I’m not a complete newbie when it comes to this, I just had this curiosity and wanted to ask how other people approached this aspect of mixing. This is what I do already, mix, taste, adjust from there. Trial and error is actually more fun than it is “work,” or being tedious. I enjoy creating something new, trying it, having my girlfriend and friends try it, compile our opinions and thoughts on it, change it accordingly and see how Version 2 works out.
You’re 100% right about taste being subjective. Just between my best friend and I, our tastes vary greatly, but we both can also taste what’s “good” and what isn’t, when there’s too much X or not enough Y. So being able to look at things objectively is also a huge benefit when it comes to mixing. You mix for a vape store (I used to do this as well) and if you always mixed for your taste buds, well, maybe your customers had a very different palate and flavor profile than you… It wouldn’t work out very well, haha. So I’m sure you’ve also adapted to know that while taste is subjective, being able to step back and objectively view what you’ve mixed is hugely beneficial.
Based on what I’ve read from you, I can almost guarantee you’d like none of my recipes (possibly because I use CAP and TFA which are the most readily available for me) but, working with what I have, I feel I’ve managed to come a long way in understanding certain flavors that pair well together, as well as flavors that can add a little umph to another. It’s a super fun process and I’m so happy to have gotten into DIY mixing.