So, should we remove rates that have no comments?

Agreed :point_up:️:point_up:️:point_up:️


I see your point and raise you the grandfather clause. :slight_smile:

Im also uncertain how i feel about a comment to rate, yet i have no suggestions other options. Where does it stop, whats next? Do we one day decide all recipes need notes and then make all recipes private that do not have them? A lot of the same questions that were asked about the flavor system can be added to this discussion of whats next as well.

Again, im not against blanking everything out and starting over but this site is so old now and so large…

One more thing is that we folks on the forums make up a very small portion of those who use, have used the recipe side as the forums didnt come into existence for years after the recipe site was made.

And then to argue against what i just wrote. Do the older recipes even deserve to be up in the top 25 anymore? Just an example as it is my mix but Strawnana was made a few years ago. Should it still be included in the top 25? IMO it yes and no, I dont even used half of the flavorings in the mix anymore as new and better flavorings have come out, i use them only in that one mix. BUT, the majority of people still use those flavorings…

Do we need a weekly, monthly, yearly and overall Top 25 list?

Too many questions, unknowns… I need a nap now. :confused:


I’ve thought this for quite some time. Some recipes have so many votes they are entrenched in top slots forever unless you look at them as trending over time.


I have only been mixing and using the site for a year now so not sure my opinion matters as much as veterans such as @Ken_O_Where. I do find it irritating that the rating system is not usable and cant trust it for the most part. I usually overlook a mix w/ no comment so this is a good idea but is a shame it requires more work for those who truthfully rate our mixes. I could simply go back and comment on each of the mixes that ive rated by others, i think i can recall them all, but there are a lot of excellent older mixes. Like already stated, the forums aren’t viewed by all users and not all mixers are still active


I think that firstly it would help to understand better how the rating system works, and how the sorting system decides the highest rated recipes. I often wonder why 4.5 star recipes are mixed in with the 5 star recipes when you sort the front page by rating. Is it calculated by a mix of the star rating + number of comments? Is it calculated by the amount of ratings the recipe has received?

Removing ratings that don’t include comments might have some unforseen adverse effects to the sorting and ranking system. As it is though, 5 star recipes with no comments or notes are definitely unhelpful in the already cluttered recipe list. So it’s hard to say that it’s a bad decision to make.

IDK enough about the backend of the site to really be able to make a yes or no judgement call on that. But I do care.

I would definitely like the top recipes to be more current favorites, and not the same ones from 2-3 years ago that will remain at the top forever just due to the sheer number of ratings and responses that they have collected over time. but again, archiving those and starting a new list each year would be pretty intense given the sheer number of recipes added each day and the fact hat a vast majority go unnoticed.

Just my .02 …


I agree. I really just wanted to hear all of your opinions on it. In the beginning I considered sending an email to every rater with a link to the recipe, so they could potentially re-rate, but I discarded that idea. I also considered a special page where you could see the rates you gave that don’t currently count because of a missing comment.

I am leaning towards just leaving it be for now…

The way the recipe scores are calculated is actually pretty good. I use a form of Binomial Proportion Confidence Interval:

Specifically one called Lower Bound Wilson Score:



I voted No because everyone else was voting Yes … Seriously though; I think it is a great idea to require a comment to leave a Rating. However, this is a new rule and if we were to remove all previous ratings without comments, it will have a profound affect on the highest rated recipes that most are quite worthy of … But then again, resetting all ratings without comments would provide more accuracy in the ratings. Either way, I support the final decision.


Personally I would leave the ratings alone. Just going forward a rating requires a comment. That’s my vote.

I only say that is that there are probably a lot of good ratings without comments that would be lost. Those ratings, people put some thought into them…and care.

Sure, it would get rid of the up/down votes submitted as a fanboy/or out of spite. But I really think those numbers are much smaller comparred to the bigger picture.


I lean a little toward the NO column but I voted IDK/IDC, with a leaning more toward IDK because I think both sides of the argument have merit.

On the one hand, I think it’d be fair to delete them because then every recipe is on the same footing. Old recipes don’t benefit from rating stacking and manipulation nearly as much as they did prior and those who had their rating tarnished by negative reviews get their legitimate rating back. On the other hand, those who left and, more importantly, received their ratings legitimately would then be at a disadvantage (or advantage if all non-commenting negative reviews were removed). They worked hard to receive those ratings and it’s not fair that just because some took advantage of the old rating system they lose their ratings too.

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I wonder what input the top 50 recpie owners would have to say? Or even the top 100? They may be worth an email.

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I think it would be better to have all ratings backed up with a comment.


Same here!


I like the idea of a weekly, monthly, and yearly list



Agree about the questions. When I contemplate stuff on ELR, I always feel like a nap after a short while :stuck_out_tongue: heheh


This is why I keep a journal of my recipes and my personal feelings about said recipe. If I don’t think it’s worth vaping at least a few times a week, I won’t bother entering it into the recipe list. Even my private ones.
Personally, I believe the top 25 are pretty solid mixers. Over time they might get displaced by newer blood, but if you earned it, I think you should be able to keep it.
Hopefully going forward we will see less ballot stuffing and more constructive comments/criticism (gotta have both, otherwise it’s just as bad as ballot stuffing).


After reading some replies i would like to change my answer to yes, ratings should be removed without comments. I have very few ratings and that was the basis for my original answer of no.
Id rather read why it is bad or why it is good. Along with the star thingies… Also, is there anyway to get a notification system for when someone comments on the recipes?


Once one clicks the heart you will be notified of any comments.


Oh i totally get why a star with a comment is necessary. I didnt understand that. Thankyou


Honestly I haven’t given it much thought prior to seeing this thread, which is a bit embarrassing
considering I’ve a few years on here now… so I’m not sure either way. I don’t normally use the rating system all that much. And I have a tendency to comment mostly on the absurdly idiotic recipes, although by my doing so, it brings nothing positive to the table.
Shit man, just point me in a direction and I’m on it!