This is a seriously complex issue and I’m glad I’m not the one who has to make the final decision.
If you wanna avoid the greatest amount of panty-twisted outcries I’d say leave the past ratings. I think fewer people will be upset by the idea that some non-comment ratings exist than will be upset that their ratings (either that they left or that were left on their recipes) were removed. That doesn’t fix the ballot stuffing problem or the fact that some recipes are on top simply because they’re old, like others have said. But, I think either way you go with this people will adapt and deal. They may grumble and a few may take their ball and go home, but I think overall it’ll just be another bump soon forgotten.
I voted yes, but on second thoughts, it might be better to leave all existing ratings and to implement the must comment rule for any new ratings. Not perfect, but nothing ever is.
I’d guess that most of the ratings out there are genuine and not just haters/cult followers so to avoid those “panty-twisted outcries” leaving old ratings seems to me to be the best option.
Or get upset when they ask if its okay to substitute a different flavor concentrate. You tell them 'Not really" then they get upset and say “You aren’t being helpful.” Wait !?! What? I did just help you! I told you not to substitute a different flavoring
I voted no but quickly added that I felt going forward comments should accompany ratings. However, this does not really reflect my viewpoint. The old adage that “if you don’t have anything good to say, then things are better left unsaid” is certainly wise.Who am I to criticize someone’s effort to share? The few recipes that I have rated are simply to say “thank you, I’m really enjoying this.” Personally, I see no other legitimate purpose.
Putting your identity on a negative, rude and arrogant comment may deter some, but I doubt many. After all, a$$holes enjoy being a$$holes and very clearly feel entitled to do so. I’m pretty new here but have spent an enormous amount of time reading and learning from a fine group of intelligent and generous people. It takes a little while to sort the wheat from the chaff, but it becomes readily apparent. I use the rating system daily and particularly the flavor percentages used. but I do this with a “jaundiced eye.”
The new system is a terrific decision but it’s extremely unfair to new mixers and recipes. You must find a way to balance out and gradually get rid of older ratings so that new recipes can shine, otherwise the community will never discover newer recipes which are usually better because of newer higher quality flavors.
Two ways I can think of:
Expiring ratings (as time goes by older ratings start to get phased out)
Keeping the current score of each recipe and gradually lower the vote count so the newer ratings impact the score. For example, you take a recipe with 4.6 and 200 vote count, and replace all these with 100 votes of 4.6 in the system, and after 6 months erase 50 of them
Otherwise, people are going to be mixing Bust A Nut and Unicorn milk till the end of time
LOL @ a “jaundiced eye” I hear you. Anything that showcases creativity or personal taste has the potential to be scrutinized; and in a not so constructive fashion. However, that’s the name of the game in any art form. There are those who dish out “tough love”, in order to help someone succeed in their endeavors. There are those who really want a creation to rise and other’s, who would love more than anything to see it fall (haters/trolls).
Being a creator is a tough job which one will take and receive both positive and negative feedback (some negatives have to be taken with a grain of salt). There is always room for honest constructive criticism on a recipe; whether that be on the mix itself, on the flavor %'s or on possible substitutions on flavors. It’s up to the individual to choose how they take the comment & respond; even regarding the comments made by potential trolls “assholes”.
Now keep in mind, not everyone has learned how to give constructive criticism and may not choose their words wisely. How one responds to those comments is key. Simply ask specific questions to the person who commented.
Why does it suck? Could you please explain?
What don’t you like in particular about this recipe?
What do you suggest would help improve this recipe? Suggestions?
Why would you sub this flavor for this?
If the person doesn’t respond or comes up with some blanket statement - then it shows that they were more than likely a troll or some hater. Other’s will pick up on it. So in regards to comments that just outwardly criticize - A big NO. Constructive Criticism - A Big Yes. Who are you? Someone who took the time, money and effort to make the mix.
I kind of hoped to steer the conversation in the direction of whether the rating system should be nefariously turned into a COMPETITION. The “ballot stuffing” is transparent and wholly unfair to many who rightly deserve recognition for their contributions. IMHO those who contrive a means to call attention to themselves by purporting to ‘disclose’ some ‘secret’ is equally reprehensible. Yes, it makes things very difficult for the new mixer to sort through but I don’t think it’s the recipe whether its old or new. Alisa’a Bust a Nut is the perfect case in point. I was absolutely thrilled when I took my first hit of it and have had a tank dedicated to it since then. Your personal tastes may differ. I began DIY last Sept. and mixed a lot of the highly rated recipes and was extremely disappointed in many of them. But i am learning what works for me and what doesn’t and haven’t smoked since.
When competition gets intermingled with nearly anything the backbiting, skulduggery, and cheating show their ugly heads. I certainly don’t have the answer to this junk and if anyone can find a way to compel honesty and integrity(that doesn’t involve a firearm) I’ll start up a collection to send them to Washington D.C. Meanwhile my point is that whether the ‘numbers’ show who is deserving or not, I think there are far more people on here that know the real “score.”
Pretty useless. It will create an influx of spam-like comments with no real meaning like “Good” or “it’s fine” and such
Add a list of the people who rated the recipe. It’ll be more useful than force people to comment when they want to rate a recipe.
Also, can you remove the forced comments for private recipe? My recipes are private and I use the rating to keep track of the worth of the recipe… I don’t see why I should be forced to comment when I rate my own private recipes.
I think that’s a fair request and a great point!
The owners of recipes should “get a pass” I think. Obviously, their comments should have already been made in the appropriate section when the recipe was created. Not in the reply section.
I think you make a very good point and this is something I am guilty of a lot of the time. I think promoting new mixers with none or just a few ratings would help, how that can be done though I am unsure.
Maybe a recipe of the week/month whether it ends up good or bad once mixed, selected from the database of recipes that week/month or a recipe entered by the mixers themselves and the recipe selected by a trusted member(s), volunteer(s) on here, could be subjectively reviewed. With maybe a seperate recipe/promotion page for those recipes to kept together, to help establish those mixers over time? hopefully this wouldn’t end up all being strawberries and cream or batter and citrus mixes, that seem to dominate at the moment and add a bit more diversity to the more higher ranked recipes and promote good or bad recipes from recipes that would be otherwise overlooked.