Yeah, I thought so. They are also a tobacco state, are they not?
When those regulations hit that ass they will get political real quick.
Next door NC and VA. There’s some but not big.
Ok guys, what about this…You’re correct, the media is only gonna pass negative views on vaping ONLY. We do not have a voice when it comes to the media. HOWEVER, we do have a big voice with Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ect. How do you think Obama got elected? Pushed a bunch of lies and exaggerations on social media and the people bought it. You got to say his campaign people were quite smart. We can be this smart as well. We have our outlet for change if you will use it…
That sounds good and I do post to friends on FB. Some are just too secure and most of the smokers still smoke. Forum goers have a much higher awareness of the issues that a lot of regular vapers can’t relate to. They don’t see the impending doom.
I’ll try posting positive info. Most time I’m asking for help for fighting the Gov.
I just started a new thread here on ELR. “Positive Media for Vaping”. We can collect our fuel for our cause there and start spreading the TRUTH ABOUT VAPING…
Probably buds with NC and VA Reps I’ll bet…
This is where uninformed vapers are coming daily. IMO this the front line. I know you’re all in, but some of these shops are rape artist and are not worthy of running a business. If they think it’s not worth the effort then they should lose in the end. They’re just gonna drag the honest shops done too.
The dirty south aka the Bible Belt. If vaping was written in the bible they’d be all in. Southern politician would have us in the 60’s if they could.
Perhaps the Non Political Vape Shop should get a mention on Social Media. What’s ya think?
I say if they don’t support the cause they should be boycotted. From here forward I’m emailing before any purchase to see where they stand. Support shops that support us and not do business with the rape artist. Call their asses to action. They should fly a ProVaping flag on their sites.
This is where united forums could have an impact.
I think one of the most impactful venues out there is YouTube. If someone is able to do quality interviewing and informational videos with a good production value including sound quality, that would be as influential as most everything else. Perhaps something monthly or even more frequent. Close it to comments, and include some of the research that has been done where the science is irrefutable. Why not? The libtards here and abroad have used it to great success in promoting fear-mongering about anthropogenic global warming. My thought is that those working to condemn vaping are hiding in plain sight - perhaps here - and most definitely on the larger forums such as ECF. They disguise themselves as advocates and then post shit like this…
I’m going to wait until the older guy is there. I think he’s the manager or possibly the owner. I’ve only been there twice because the guys who work there are mainly self centered douche bags who are more interested in voicing their “expertise” than helping a customer out. Those clowns just make my ass itch…
[quote=“Lostmarbles, post:53, topic:28949, full:true”] Those clowns just make my ass itch…
So, tell the clown to take that wig off first.
LMAO…you guys make it too damn easy for me.
Hear, hear!
Excellent suggestion.
That’s is useful if you’re searching for it. Great idea if it would just pop up in your browser.
LMAO! Need a little humor to calm the bloodlust
Screw that! We’re talking about activity here, not posting a video and hoping people watch it. So I’m imagining a man on the street type interview where long-term vapers are asked to provide their testimony about how vaping has changed their lives and health. Ask them what they know about pending regs, and to provide feedback. Hell man I could do this myself if I were able. Once a video is made and agreed that it addresses the desired topics, post it and promote the hell out of it. The domino effect. You share with people, they share with people, then before long it’s had a million views.
Pie in the sky?

Screw that! We’re talking about activity here, not posting a video and hoping people watch it.
Agreed!!! Facebook is the way to go. Friends tell friends who tell their friends. It goes on and on and on !!!
If you choose to make video, Facebook does allow video,yeah, Media Outlet !!!
You know…If an intelligent person could set up a standard set of questions and ask every vaper to video their own answers and submit them it would just need to be edited together into a final product. Maybe get non-vapers to share what their perceptions are as well and discuss the truths and misconceptions. It would just have to be done with intelligence and not flashy gimmicks and overwhelming soundtracks.