Sobucky (SSA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer Series V -- Steeping Now!

@STR8V8PING as a pure, all encompassing Marshmallow it beats OOO. There are plenty of uses for OOO’s, but it was more of a vanilla infused, marshmallow cream for my tastes.

I think both have their uses, but SSA’s will (assuming) be able to be used in almost any MM application. Granted, I’m basing this off a solo test, and haven’t mixed it up much, BUT, I’m vaping a S&V S’mores with it, and it’s working as expected. Granted, still fresh mixed, and time will tell more. I’m going to have to test it as a softener next, with some offensively sharp fruits.


Two different animals.


That was my thought, it might be an Fa killer…nobody else on the panel agreed I don’t think lol I’ll have to go back and watch. Besides OoO this is my favorite real marshmallow down to the powder.


Wow, that’s actually a very accurate statement IMO.

Well that is even more interesting.

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Marzipan (SSA) 0.90% (11-25-23) – I don’t recall ever actually eating Marzipan, but I’ve used it from time to time in recipes, most often in cherry/cranberry mixes, or Apple Pies, and it’s worked great. Testing this one would be kind of a first for me. Most times, I can’t taste much Almond unless it’s dark and bitter. That continued with this one, for the most part, as I did get SOME lighter, earthy nutty-ness, but it was fairly low in the mix. This could mean I’m Almond blind ?? The main note did resemble a nice Cherry, riding on a somewhat creamy carrier. Now this was NOT a full on, in your face Cherry, just for clarity, but it did have somewhat soft, yet very distinct cherry overtones. I didn’t get an overt bakery element from this, but it had some weight to it, so perhaps that was it. The aforementioned creamy-ness while not to the level of a cream, did seem to soften, or temper the overall flavor. Being a huge fan of everything Cherry this one appealed to my tastes, and I could see using it often. Because it smelled stronger in the bottle I did test this just below 1%, and after 3 testers, it was clear it wasn’t overpowering at this weight, and could even be increased a little bit. No off-notes, and it was a few ticks below mid-level sweet. All in, it was a great flavor, with clear Cherry overtones, and a nice creamy middle, with some light nutty undertones on the bottom. This one is harder to rate, as I strongly suspect I don’t typically taste Almonds, regardless of the flavor, but with that said, it felt right at a 8.75/10.


Milkshake Dairy (SSA) 1%/2 (11-26-23) – I LOVE da Milkshakes, but I find, or HAVE found it to be very hard to find one that checks all the boxes for me. Most have had some sort of an off-note, or something that just pulled it sideways, most times, just a bit. Could this offering from Sobucky, knock my recently crowned “King of the Milkshakes” ?? No, BUT, it gave it a run for it’s money. I got a note from this one that I think I got from Molinberry’s as well, but it presented as a bit cleaner. Just in case you didn’t know about the whole Sobucky/Molinberry/Chemnovatic thing, they’re all related, and Monlinberry is ceasing to exist. Joint Ventures, etc, etc. Regardless, I did get some of the same notes that I did from the Molinberry. I started testing this one at 1%, but it felt under powered, so I doubled it, and it tasted much fuller, with much improved mouthfeel.

This one was presented as a fairly rich and creamy milkshake, with a light vanilla undertone, BUT, it had the slight aftertaste that I mentioned above, and have gotten from a few others. At first I thought a dry malted note but it wasn’t malted, maybe it was a dry powdered milk note. Hard to completely nail down, but once I taste it, I can’t not taste it. Very creamy, with great mouthfeel, and the creameries lingered on the tongue. Sweetness was actually a few ticks below mid-level, which was impressive, so you could sweeten if needed. My only nit-pick, WAS that damned note, hehe. Now, we ALL taste things differently, so I STRONGLY suggest picking this one up, and post YOUR comments, just to see how YOU view it. All in, at 2%, it was a damned fine milkshake, lightly vanilla’d, with a very impressive mouthfeel, and richness. For my tastes, it wasn’t as clean as either Sobucky’s other Ice Creams, nor CAP’s Milkshake. BUT, tastes vary. After about the third tester, I decided that the “off-note”, or the dry powdered milk note I was getting was fairly low, AND, could probably easily be overcome in recipes, so I reduced the take-offs for it, and decided on a solid 9.0/10 for this one. If you DO pick this up, please add your comments.


Sounds delish!
I ordered this one and want to mix it soon. Anyone who tried it with some whipped cream or ssa ice cream vanilla?


@Schnappi1, funny you should ask …


Just stopping in to tell you I really appreciate all the flavor reviews, thank you!!


Thank you very much @netweight, I really appreciate it.


This made a great choc milk, agree with that rating :raised_hands: (the choc mousse) used a dash of ssa sweet choc, ooo creamy milky undertones and couple drops FA merengue.Was tempted to make it a shake naturally but have enough of those lol but a nice Choc milk it was


RE: Marshmallow SSA
I’ve been using Marshmallow PUR for a while now, I know you didn’t list PUR as a go to, but in your travels have you ever used it? I’m wondering if Marshmallow SSA could be a replacement?
As it goes, Bull City stopped selling Marshmallow PUR, they have a PIR Marshmallow II but I’m skeptical, version 2’s usually are either completely different or a shell of the original.

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@AZ_Jeep good to see you again. The PUR is a go to for me, and I’ve found it works better for me in cereals, and I have used it in some S’mores’s as well.

I’ll have to see if I have that one.

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Still one of the BEST uses for PUR MM that I have found …


I’m always lurking around :smiley:, I like your reviews better than most, you’re always spot on.
Hopefully Bull City will get PUR back in like they did with Milkshake MB (so glad to see its return) but now it’s labeled Milkshake MB (SSA) - I know MB, SSA and CNV are all the same company or at least cousins, sounds like SSA is taking up MB’s popular flavors.
I did email Bull City about MM PUR, Jessica said she doesn’t have any restock dates so that’s not very promising but I’ve seen it listed on some sites in Europe so there is some hope. She said she’s heard the PUR Marshmallow II is more like FA. I have and do use FA but based on your review my next order will include MM SSA.
If I don’t talk to you beforehand, have a good Christmas and New Year!


I’m very glad to hear that @AZ_Jeep, and thank you very much. Here’s to also hoping about the PUR at BCF. I hope you guys have a great Christmas and New Year as well. :slight_smile:


Milky Caramel Fudge (SSA) 1% / 2% (12-11-23) – I spent a LOT of extra time on this one, and ended up doubling it from 1% to 2%. At 1% I got a faint creamy, maybe milky-ness to it, but not much else. I doubled it, and re-ran it, and although it did get a LITTLE stronger, it wasn’t much. Having been completely blown away by SSA’s Caramel Biscuit, I was somewhat let down by this one. It was a very light flavor even at 2%, and although I did get SOME milky-ness, the caramel and fudge were even lighter. For my tastes, it felt like it just wasn’t enough of either of the three. As an added bonus, hehe, I got an almost “baby powder” off-note. At 2% this was a very light flavor, and caution would have to be used, as I could see it being driven over in a mix. There was some mouthfeel, but again, (you guessed it), it was fairly light. All in, it wasn’t an off-putting flavor, but it just tasted like all 3 of the main profiles never really took off, at least for my tastes. A very light milky flavor with just a bit of mouthfeel, and slightly sweetened, with an even lighter caramel, and maybe a hint of fudge. Scoring this was going to be painful, BUT, it needed to be done, and I finally settled on a flat 5.0/10. Probably NOT on my “buy again” list. Please test for yourself, and report back.


I must interrupt this program. @2pct i get a really good caramel with a nice creamy mouthfeel. I dont get milk per se , so i wondered if the milky was because of the fudge like texture. Its not MF caramel good but remind me of better TPA Caramel Candy with a better mouthfeel.


I didn’t get ANYTHING like the Caramel I got in the Caramel Biscuit, and I think THAT, is what I had expected, and hence the shortfall.


I have the Caramel Biscuit which i havent tested or used in a mix. After the contest testing ill give it a go.