@Mikser does Nom Nomz have all of these new flavors ?
Not all of them, but all interesting ones (to me at least). Others are available in Sobucky and Molinberry shops.
Sobucky shop1, shop2
Then I have no answer for you. I haven’t gone near SSA or MB since that last flavor mix up about a month ago. I can re-enter those flavors if you wish, without attaching a recipe.
@TorturedZen I can only imagine the hassles, stresses, and issues with cleaning up the flavs, merges, etc., and despite any minor glitches, I appreciate your efforts.
Please do. I have no idea who it was then, but all those flavors were entered correctly (and i’m not kidding here or in doubt) and that was done within an hour before my comment 11 days ago. I checked MB now and half are still there while the other half was deleted - all remaining are still with zero recipes just the way i left them
Link Molinberry Tasting Notes - #40 by Mikser
These are missing:
Chocolate Mint Tobacco
American Classic Blend
Light Tribecca
Strawberry Soft Candy
Chocolate Waffle
Coconut Bar
I didn’t check how many SSA are missing, but i saw at least one is missing also from the earlier series. (will check those from previous series now and you check and add any missing from this latest series. thx)
Ok, these two are missing from the previous series:
Berries (Forest)
Strawberry Watermelon
(yes, there are two separate SSA flavors Strawberry Watermelon and Strawberry Watermelon Mint)
Pretty sure I had these added previously and like you say now are gone. Definitely have both.
Something weird is going on I now have SSA Natural Raspberry in my stash, similar thing happened with Thai Pineapple. I’ve never had either.
I was adding flavours to my stash today and the count didn’t go up as normal, actually went down by 1, but they were all there.
Merging… make sure to check and correct your recipes since they are changed now (people will not know and noone will be able to answer them what flavors were changed in their recipes).
Same thing happened to me. I deleted it because I don’t have Natural Raspberry, but I couldn’t figure out what it used to be. I also had SSA Summer Fruits show up in my stash and I didn’t have that either
I’m missing Black Cat for Pipe INW. Was renamed to Black For Pipe Classic INW. Not a fan so i don’t care.
Strawberry watermelon mint eh???
Hmmm🤔 the things I could use this for…like flavored water!
Strap-On has its audience. Not a fan?
You lost me…sorry about that. Lol
Strap-On = STRawberry-
it might fit perfectly in there (some ideas are here).
So i let chefs ddl sit for 2 weeks and yeah it has has that milky caramel note and a very slight cinn on the back. But there is something else i pick up. If you ever had jello pistachio pudding you know it. Problem was now that i tasted it and started to think of it more and more, every inhale was like a spoonful of pistachio pudding with a sweet cinn on the backend. Honestly i think this would really smoothing out flv cinnamon crunch for me. So im gonna add it to a few conn based recipes to see how it flows. Wont need any sweeteners to add as this is sweet in its own right. But i like it a lot.
I made a simple SSA recipe recently and I can’t stop vaping it . It’s nothing really special, but definitely a change of pace from my usual flavors (Mostly fruity). It’s only a first version but I plan on making many more.
1% - Carmel Biscuit
1% - Butter
1% - Whipped Cream
I also used .08% CAP Super Sweet, but that Caramel Biscuit is pretty nice. I plan on upping the CB percentage, trying/adding FW Salted Caramel, and maybe a coconut of some type.
I just ordered more of it! It’s been a hit at my house . I’ve been trying different things to see how I can make it better or compliment it etc. I ordered a bunch of different flavors with that in mind from BFC as well. I checked today and my Inawera Coconut Cookies bottle is empty. I checked at Bullcity and they’re OOS
. I dunno… it was just a thought. I remember really liking that one but haven’t used it in a long time.
I taste something dark in SSA Caramel Biscuit. It’s reminiscent of a coffee type flavor but it’s enjoyable.
Oh em gee I love caramel biscuit!!