Sobucky Super Aromas (SSA) Single Flavor Tests By SessionDrummer

Will finally have time to get my SSA sft mixed this week. Think I’ll start this one at 2.5.


Do me a solid @Letitia, if you get more of a solid punch, let me know. Normally I can tell when something’s underflavored, but this one didn’t give me that sense. Direct flavor dropping into (full) the test tank is done very rarely, but in this case, I didn’t get much of a boost which was surprising.


Will do. Might pull off half the sft and add a drop of sour.
Really missing the emojis


Ripe Banana (SSA) 1% (10-11-20) – I think many people’s perspective on bananas might depend on how they actually like to eat them (or the profile they want too LOL). I like mine leaning to the green side, and if they’re over ripe, I can’t really eat them. Long is the list of nanas out there, and most favor a ripened, or creamed profile. This one actually captured how I like to eat mine, with a little bit of green in it. You may hate that profile, so be advised, that is what I got from this one. Fairly full @ 1%, with lower than mid-level sweetness, and an almost puree of a banana with hints of the green on top. It had a somewhat creamy texture, but didn’t appear creamed if that makes sense. The green portion really tasted accurate, and got most of it on the tail end of the vape. Because of the green notes, and the somewhat laid back nature of it, it might not carry the main nana freight, but could be very useful in many recipes where you need to flush out a fuller banana. I did not get any candied or runts notes from this, and tasted roughly 50/50 natural/artificial. Not the strongest or most natural nana out there, but for my tastes, this one seemed very unique, and could take a space all it’s own on your rack. 8.75/10.


Guava (SSA) 1% (10-11-20) – Last one on deck for the end of Series II. I think we’re going to finish it with a BANG. Haven’t vaped a lot of Guavas, but that didn’t stop this one from basically nailing the profile. Pink, fleshy, and punchy were the initial thoughts, with an almost slight fermented kick that really added to the authenticity. Very clean and full at 1%, and that felt really good, not under/over powered. Sweetness was about mid level, and the pink punch factor on this one can not be overstated. Most of the flavor remained in the mid region, with a smidge of low end, and some nice high end punch to finish it off. It stays fairly true and natural throughout the tank with a hint of candied, but only a hint. NO take-offs to be found with this one, and you could obviously go lower for accents, and possibly higher for main notes if needed. Clean, fresh, and accurate were the big take-aways on this one, and it just plain worked. 9.25/10.


@SessionDrummer, you are a testing machine mate. Good stuff!


Thank you for @SessionDrummer for all the work and fantastic reviews! Hardly waiting for Series III soon :wink:



Let the guy make a recipe once in awhile, geez! :rofl:


You’re very welcome @mikser.


Thank you @Ianc13.


I know I’ve said this before, but your flavor reviews are magnificent. Thankyou.


Thank you very much @Steve68.


Have you tried any of the Lemon flavors? I’m pretty sure that Dinner Lady uses the SSA Lemon flavors in their Lemon Tart E-Liquid. For me it’s pretty a distinct lemony flavored e-liquid. Until now, I haven’t tasted a lemon flavor quite like it. At first I thought SSA Natural Lemon might be the only one. Tasting the Juicy Lemon right now is making me think a combination of both might be the ticket. Like I said, I haven’t tasted that distinct lemony flavor with other flavor concentrates and I’m tasting it right now.

I’m not sure if anyone else has posted about this yet because I just skimmed to the bottom of this thread. I also understand that not everyone has tasted Dinner Lady Lemon Tart but it’s a very popular e-liquid. Hopefully someone can post their findings and concur or not concur :smiley:.


@INOIROC, not only have I not tested any of SSA’s lemons (now you’re making me want to), but I’ve never had Dinner Lady LT. Perhaps I should toss one in the cart to see exactly what all the hub-bub is, about the lemon in it, as I’ve heard it’s good, and distinctive.


So your not convinced the Chemnovatic Lemon Cream Wafer is a key element in the DLLT eliquid ???


I guess I’ll have to buy some of the DLLT @fidalgo_vapes, because I thought the word on the street was it was the CMV LCW.


Oh I’m pretty sure that’s in there too. But DLLT has a very bright almost in your face lemon flavor as well. I’m thinking it’s SSA Natural Lemon maybe combined with SSA Juicy Lemon. The Natural one is STRONG. 1% and it’s there announcing itself loudly.


Yes…I tried it long ago and only remember how upfront the lemon note was…


Ya word on the street was RF Jam and toast was the Jam Mosters base as well and we all know how that turned out…

I believe RFSC was called Jam and Toast or something like that


Hehe, Roger That @fidalgo_vapes.