Nothing fancy is needed… lots of people have an LB 501, which is about $35… for $15 you can get a 0.01g scale and another $15 for a 0.001g scale and you’ll still be cheaper than what most people have
@Rocky02852… it really isnt, once you get the hang of it.
I can solo taste test faster than I can write all this out.
In fact I am running solos this week so I can add on to my notes on my site… if I can get the chance to sit down… busy week ahead of me.
I SFT the majority of my flavors, and take notes on them. My first mix was over 4 years ago, and I was a 3 week new vaper. Made by me, from scratch and was the first and only mix of mine I threw out. UNSALVAGEABLE.
So from testing I know when I get a hint of cucumber, a full on peeled cucumber and a full cucumber with outside skin as an example. Or when a bright Mango turns to a glorious Peach. But that’s OK cuz I know a different one that brings that green skin and flesh.
When I see others hunting desperately for an eggy custard by using some ‘pro mixers’ combo or comments and find no egginess, yet still swear by those ‘pro mixer’ notes … well.
I might mix one of those ‘pro mixer’ recipes occasionally, but really find I should just use it as an inspiration at my %'s. My namesake using 3% TFA Honeydew just overpowered my tastebuds and it took ages to get that smell out of my atty. Yup, threw that one out.
Just those couple examples reinforced to ME the value in SFTs. I do find tremendous value in reading detailed notes from low to high %'s and how a flavor changes, I’ll just use my %'s (usually with the median shown as the high water value) and work backwards.
Just for shits and giggles my wife made a spaghetti sauce last week, and I was freaking out about the taste of anise in it. Like WTF is anise? Maybe it was the fresh Basil, but she thought I was nuts. Wikipedia says there are over 60 different varietals of Basil, and yes, one has anise.
Everyone has different tastebuds. Everyone should do whatever they want, I’m not trying to convert anyone to anything. I just do this as sort of a break.
@big_vape… You just made Hero status for me! <3
Thank you very much and you are on point!
However… I rarely read others notes… I depend on me, just like how I started. I have not relied or depended on any body’s notes, preferences etc…
I do believe that if one needs notes, create your own… try the solos and only once you do… go see what others have to say… you might find something funny to laugh about
btw… you must be the one the news talks about… ya know Big Tobacco… Big Vape… totally kewl!
I learn from the notes of others. Do their buds sorta match up with mine? They mentioned something like a texture or a hint of something, did I taste that? How do their %'s match up with mine. Don’t get me wrong, I do all my own notes as well. They start as scribbles on paper and are supposed to end up on paper. Separate 10ml plastic needle top containers, with like a rubber lanyard for a cap.
I can see how using all Flavorah (I have 19) can be a benefit because they’re all SC and don’t bully over each other, because right now with a mix using multiple vendors, my poor FLV guava at .3% is hit or miss throughout the day.
After seeing your average uses (I commented on that single user % stats post) and use that as the mid point for my SFT testing
That is the best way, and a decent way to judge how your taste buds are coming back, @big_vape… Only way to see for yourself what you are tasting, what you are not getting, if you should go lower or higher, where you are with the solos…
Scribbles are my fav… I judge my mood. How I feel on the flavor: is it true to the name, is it realistic or candy or even a wet or dry flavor. Does it make me think pucker, or twangy, or sour or bitter, can I even detect if there is anything in it that would be sweet or distract from other flavors? What flavors can go with it or not, or is the flavor just all that and best kept as a solo…
Knowing all of these bits on the flavor you are testing can and will make you a better mixer, indeed. If you let the best tool you have [Your own mouth, and not mine] lead you to what your brain thinks… You over time, will not only mix better, but you will have a book of flavor notes. Kept up thru the years as a journal or diary, it can get massive.
I still have all of my notes from Lor, Tfa, Cap, Fa, BF Hiliq HC JFand other companies I can not name. I keep them all in banana boxes… It can be as massive as you want it to be, or as small as scribbles… as long as you rememeber the finer flavor points on each one.
Over time, if you keep your notes every time you solo taste test [sft] you can and will detect how and when your mouth changes with how you pick up your flavors. I know for a fact I am up to 20 changes in 9 yrs. Your cravings will reflect mouth changes too… What might taste good to you right now… I know for me, I do not vape what I did years ago. My mixing styles have made a drastic change. I am not so heavy handed, and others think I do mix more light than even medium. However it tastes good to me, to those that can share in my juices… and that… is what I strive for.
Anyone can make an apple pie… 90+/- different ways to do it… but what should set it apart from the rest, is how you interpet the flavor.
Proud of you, @big_vape
I admire your staying power @anon84779643… I have a love/hate relationship with SFT. But yep it has helped so so much in the end.
Kind of new here. I was wondering what you used for drippers. I make a lot of my own juices and I am looking for something I can just drip and not have to partially fill a tank every time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless
I use a wasp nano dripper from ft… then I have the L.O.T.I dripper, no longer in production… a drop solo, muskateer, omgea drippers, I have 3 of them…
I use both the single coil drippers as well as dual coil… and I run what juice I am testing thru singles first, duals next, then I tank it if I think it is a finished recipe.
Oh FLV definitely has flavors that can and will bully other flavors (even other FLV flavors) lol!!
To my tastes, 1 drop of Rich Cinnamon is too much for a 30ml.
Same for Alpine Strawberry.
I did not catch that, but yeps flv is full of surprises…
Sorry… headache here Sparky… hope all is well… TGIF… ooops that was yesterday!
Absolutely for me also. Moreso on the Cinnamon, as the Alpine is more floral than overpowering like the RC.
TFA Maraschino Cherry is not considered a super concentrate, but it too can wash out a recipe with just a few drops. Always have to watch out for those sneaky powerbombs!
this is why I say… sft works for any manufacture… not just for flv…
Work your flavors and dont let them work you!
I use Magma’s. Could read:
Different people use different drippers for different reasons. So it’s not easy to recommend one for flavor testing. It really depends on what you find important and a lot of people will only find out by trying them out. Is it mesh? Is it a fat single coil? Stove top/lolly coil? Is it a velocity deck or postless? …
If you don’t want to spend too much money on it, try and play with different ones by some vape friends, in a good vape shop that doesn’t mind spending some time on customers or just order a few cheap different style drippers from FT to see what works for you best.
For me, ease of build and flavor are the 2 most important factors, as well as something giving me a pretty similar vape experience from what I usually vape. If you’re testing your flavors, you’ll want to come to about the same result when you put it in your daily vape but you’ll want to keep things simple for rebuilding if you test more than 1 flavor.
Me too @Sprkslfly. And let’s not forget Pink Guava (for me anyways). One drop in 30mls is way too much for my buds. I’m thinking of making a dilution for both of these
@anon28032772 I try and keep cost low, unless I caught a vid with someone showing it off… then I get into trouble and bam! paying 30-50 for a dripper that quickly becomes a fav… If I am tinkering out in the yard with wood for my guitars, sure, I will drip. Dripping can be as fun as you want. Even the cheaper ones 10.00 and under are pretty good to play with, is what I find… You are right however, ease to build on always works. No one wants to spend a hour trying to figure out how to work their coils in… Keeping it all simple is the best… specially if you are new… Good post!
@Dardy I don’t do dilutions… I just go larger
I have heard because flv does better when you do have larger amounts of juice, it is hard to mix 10ml sizes. I know how fast I go thru my 10ml testers, and my 30ml testers… and even my 60ml testers… once I have a juice in the final stage tho, I will go mix a 4 or 8 oz if I like it…
Hello and thank you for your response. I just have one more question. You mentioned FT, who are they?? Sorry if this sound like a dumb question but I just do not know. Thank you and God Bless
Thank you very much for your reply. God Bless