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What’s double coil where do I get from
Using generic stock pictures found on line to explain…
dual coils…
Single coil
the dual will let you run 1 coil or 2, the single coil will only do 1…
most singles are considered better flavor
meh … I’ve got my singles and my doubles… I think there’s more to it then just the amount of coils. I do have a couple dual coil atties that should be banished, no flavor whatever you do to it but I also have a couple duals that have excellent flavor.
That being said, I don’t think I have a single coil atty that doesn’t produce good flavor but that may be coincidence because I’m not an atty hoarder, after the early mistakes I’ve been doing my research before buying an atty.
Flavor wise, I can’t say I prefer a single over a dual or the other way around, based on the ones that I have.
I will say that when it comes to doing solos, I do prefer the single coil atties simply because they’re very easy and fast to build.
What rda is this?
I agree!!!
I have around a dozen in both styles… and I have eh maybe 6 tanks?? Not really looking for more tanks and drippers myself… I have a few good mech mods… and a couple of box mods… so pretty much unless something happens to any… Im good too!
Just an rda I pulled off google this morning in a rush… do a search for single coil rda and you will find it. I know… I hate saying do a search but I still have around 25 tabs opened here… Im at my limit… doing some research myself…
Wait… dotmod… I happened just now to see it on the edge of the top of the rda… I think?
That is the last single code dotmod rda.
I always had better flavor on duals. I use a single for cell longevity and to minimize heat since I like it cool and chain vape. Fair trade for me. I think the perception of singles being better for flavor is because MTL generally uses singles. Big flavor in that tight chamber.
I flavour test on my mesh Pro by digi flavour i find that fantastic for flavour or my wasp nano RDTA but i like my mesh pro more.
@anon84779643 anyway you could post a pick of your wasp nano build? Also, I’m at that point where all the recipes I’ve made are too much for me flavor wise and I will have to reduce the flavor percentage in them. Been cig free for over almost 1 1/2 years now.
I like the wasp nano. Just can’t seem to get it to stop spitting. I grabbed mine as well for flavor testing .
Seconded! I tried a few different builds at different heights, but kind of lost interest after that. Any tips would be appreciated, knowing very well that we’re all different preference havers!
I haven’t used my Wasp Nano in a while, but my build was either 2x28/40 fused clapton or a 3x30/38. 3.5mm ID, with the bottom about 1mm above the air-slots (when looking through the airflow holes)
I would but I have no coil in it atm… will put one in if I get time tomorrow… the trick is to keep the coil closer to the deck… it will lower the spit back. My builds are super simple… 26g and 5-6 wraps, 2.5 or 3 mm either works for me…
Can you cut them down a bit so you wont have to toss them out? Might be better to start fresh… but working low to high, you can always add more flavor… but I do know how hard it is to decide how to dilute ejuice… too much and yeah week ejuice…
Only trick I know is to keep the coil down a touch towards the deck to stop spit backs…
It’s the same with the rdta… I have 2 each… (drippers and the tanks…) fav for a hurry up and get out… but the L.O.T.I is my big favorite…
this is what my l.o.t.i. looks like… but they are no longer in business and the website comes up as a Chinese site now…
I’ll never toss out juice, lol. I’m too cheap? No, let’s go with frugal. I’m too frugal. Most of the time I have 500 mls already brewed in case someone else wants a bottle. I can just add vg in small increments until I get the flavor I want.
I normally call myself a tightarse
I might have to adopt that

FLV testing videos
Where are these videos you speak of?
I didn’t link them because they’re all over the forum already. Here they are:
Thanks my man, Oh ya, my bad. I tried watching but couldn’t make it through to the end. I’m sorry. I’m pretty sure you linked this for me in the past. LOL, My memory is shot but I do remember trying to watch it before.
So these video’s lay out what smoky said up top? I guess I’m the lazy one and I’m not sorry.