Sorry everyone!

well, i sincerley apoligize to anyone especially
@Ianc13 who asked me about my profile being made private
Apparently some asshole wont stay off my accounts EVERYWHERE not just here on elr
and insists on having either my google acct password or my damn screenlock at all times
but i wouldnt expect the same why?
its wrong and invasive no matter how close you think that person is
so until now i have had all my accounts AND my phone rigged so that person can access my info anytime anywhere and I have been the most naieve person in the ENTIRE WORLD!!! jokes on me I guess. Even my messages none of you have even been able to pm me for whatever ungodly sick reason… So sorry I am not a bitch just trust too easily.


Never thought badly of you mate. Perhaps try to boot that person from your life if they are that controlling… :hugs:


I admit I wondered where you had gone but I never thought you were a bad person or anything similar.
I do think your a character and personally I enjoy your posts.

Glad you’re back.


Sorry to hear that @ladycrooks.


Well you do need to distance yourself from this individual. Over here, their actions would break a bag of kittens worth of offences and justify countless court orders. Sadly I am not that familiar with things across the pond.

I hope you find time to rest and recover after all this: As you have had a bad time of things recently.


thanks guys
i felt like the biggest asshole when i figured it out


We all get caught up in the moment at times. I think that if you asked all, over half of the males would admit to a time when their dick overrode their mind (the rest fearing to admit it)…

I just hope that you are ok and safe after a painful experience.


Don’t feel that way. It happens. But…lesson learned, and now you know to be careful. Hopefully, they’ll get the hint and move on. Welcome back.


omg I’m sorry this happened @ladycrooks.

I’m glad you worked it out though :hugs:


Thanks again everyone! And yes I am ok, thx for askkng, the sadsest part of the whole ordeal is I moved halfway across the country from a guy and right to the same kind of guy!
Like howd i get 2? And it keeps getting better! Every single one of my accounts hes into, my phone, I cant send one message thats not read or gone through. Guy comes home one day tells me " I put you on my phone plan"
.im naieve as fuck thinking he was just being nice …
8 months later im finding 15 different devices on my amazon account under content and devices. I got him in my cra account my bank account my facebook my you tube n thsts just what I know. Fucksakes


Give him the flick.
Nobody needs that shit.

Find yourself someone new, we’re not all bad. I was in a relationship many years ago where I couldn’t move without her being there or accusing me of something. She liked to slap me around too. It completely done my head in so I sympathise with you, I honestly do.
The days before the electronic age but still it really pushed me around.

However I met a lovely lady and have been happily married for nearly 25 years now with two kids. Well their not kids anymore but I suppose they always will be somewhat in my eyes.

Sorry to be so blunt and tell me to f##k off and mind my own business if you want. I’ll understand.


Unfortunately that type see your vulnerability & prey on that. It’s like they’ve got x-ray vision.

I hope you can get out of the situation but be safe @ladycrooks :hugs:


Don’t judge yourself too much. Yes you do have a tendency to leap before thinking but, we all fuck up and make mistakes in our lives: You just need to be aware of your need for instant security when meeting others (most are nice at heart but those to repeatedly claim to be so are pure poison).:

Remember to look at the little things which make you happy first: a specific food, scent or location before attaching heavily to another. Also, taking a break: I regularly take hours off to enjoy a long walk and then sit down and feed the animals who are confident enough to trust me - That helps me to spot that most issues in this life are a complete waste of time and energy which can drain us completely.

So, find your happy place and don’t kick yourself over wanting to be secure.


I see this all the time and its very true. Both for men and women. There’s just too many control freaks out there who just want to break others.
Pisses me off.


My $0.02… The absolute BEST education I received was from a break up. I went though every emotion possible, then went through them again…

After everything was said and done I took time for MYSELF. I wasn’t running around with a new piece of ass every week. Just Me, myself and I.

That would be the 1 piece of advice I would give… Do YOU and find yourself again. Nothing is better when that time comes.

May take 6 months, or it may take a year. If you’re strong, you’ll feel it too.

Best of luck


Have you developed @SessionDrummer’s overuse of capitalisation virus? The use of punctuation, according to some I know, does aid in allying symptoms: employing a big mug of “Builders’ tea” at the same time adds to its efficacy - which does need repeating.


Yes I have @SquirrelSmash. For us falling under the 140 iq range it seems to work well- although I do understand where you’re coming from. :blush:


I love that style of writing. It is being portrayed as a story where you can visualize the fevered pitch and the drawn out pauses with emphasis on the highlights complete with the hard hand slapping on the table to bring in the finalized points.


Sometimes you just need to raise your voice I reckon… :man_shrugging: :rofl:


Oh hell no!

I was wondering why you were mia? Take care of yourself. Stay safe.