Ah of course that’s what the file is for.
Unfortunately they aren’t still active - I don’t believe Perseus is answering anything or has any parts available.
I can’t imagine these high end mod / atomiser makers are custom making every screw. Surely not.
Get some measurements when you can, we’ll go from there
Also, just to re-rail for anyone else reading - I am looking to buy one! I just want to help this chap out too
I’m really sorry. I honestly didn’t mean to hi jack this thread.
Have you checked ECF? Looks like one was sold in March for $60. They do pop up there. Maybe leave a wtb post as a catch if anyone goes searching for a sale
Absolutely no worries, I’d rather pay some kindness forward than lament an atomiser
plus nobody told or asked me to help, I just wanted to 
Yeah seems there and ukvapers does a lot of trade with spheroids, I believe like potv you have to “unlock” the classes though? And my internet’s not letting me other sites right now 
That may be the case, I’ve been a member a long time. If you do have to unlock it, it shouldn’t be much. I’m happy to post a wtb there for you “for a friend who isn’t on the sjte” and you can take a few to make some random comments.
Interesting. It may well. I’m cognisant of the fact it may be shaped differently which is absolutely fine.
The battery for my callipers is arriving today, I wanted to get the precision of digital to confirm for something so small. I’ll put up dimensions tonight -
I Really appreciate all the help.
I did this and someone straight away went marked it with “disagree”.
How can you can disagree with somebody wanting to purchase something?
I finally got the dimensions. Bear with me as I try to explain them lol
9.5 mm long and the diameter of the threaded area is around 1.75mm - trying to calliper the receiving tap it seems to be about 1.9
For the length makeup
.5mm is the flat head that sits outside.
There’s a “neck” part if you look at the photos, below the head and above the threads, a thick part and thin part for the neck. The entire “neck” part is 4.75mm with the thick part being 3.75 and the thin being 1mm
The length of the screw that’s threaded is about. 4.25mm.
As you can see it’s a dainty screw with a lot of stuff going on. I’m sure a 9.5mm screw with a .5mm -1mm thick head would work if it has 1.75-.85 threads. I realised I erased the head diameter, I’ll calliper it tomorrow and add, but anything that fits inside a 510 would be fine.
As always, thanks.
@vapelordwolnir i bumped your wtb thread at ecf.