I’ll carry that freight @BikesAndBacon. It’s not meant to suggest, merely to inform.
Great review. If you have a mod that holds a 30mm, this tank hits all types.
A single coil build might work fine in there on a single 40T. But in my experience these big tanks like high watts
Then I’ll have to give it a pass, overhang is an annoyance and not wanting any dual battery devices bigger than what I have. Thank you for the feedback.
Thanks a lot @TheTinMan, it means a lot. I was surprised but it looked pretty good on my Sigelei K3, but I didn’t have very many blue mods to choose from. Hits all types is right !!
I use mine fine on an IPV @ 40 watts, Also build the regular flat deck with a 4mm single coil and it is great. Excellent flavor and cloud production
Oh Mama! Me likey. I’ve been wanting to order a series deck for my Plus but I can’t find it nowhere, sob. I might have to order the Limited Edition now. How does anyone lose a SC Plus in their house? More sobs…
Thank you for this wonderful review…Yours truly, Sniffles.
Go direct and grab the bits that interest you.
Edit: Oh wait it is not the deck you cant find it is the wholes tank lol
Excellent review SD! I don’t know if it was my connection or those pics are super high-res but they took a minute to load.
That’s a beautiful piece of hardware, but 30mm is too large for me.
That is correct, sir. And I know it’s in the house cause it never left. Maybe if I take a leap of faith and order the deck the vape gods will deliver the tank to me. Thank you for the link.
Thank you @torturedzen, and my bad on the high rezzer pics. Normally I drop the res down, so even if you enlarge them and shuffle through the images, they’re not that high, but these were all high res.
Lol yes let’s blame me again for “wasting” money!
Thank you for the review, I’m very jealous about all your SC’s, I only got 4 of the v1’s, never got the chance to experience the supreme, plus, titan and whatever else they got.
I might change my mind, now that it has a single coil deck, but geebus I was hoping you won’t like it, and I could remove it from my list lol.
If you’ve got FOUR of the v.1’s you already aboard the Steam Team train.