Strawberry SC

That chinese Super Concentrate that BCF sells. I hate to admit this (because I’m neurotic about correct naming) but in the Flavor List which one is the correct naming convention? I’m seeing the RF version and all the incorrect/misspelled variations but nothing else jumps out at me. :frowning_face:


and the right thing to do :+1:


Strawberry (SC)
Should be the correct format for the Chinese “Super Concentrate” brand.

Real Flavors should be
Strawberry (SC) (RF).

…or at least, last I knew (and continue to operate under that premise).


This one is actually the one with the most recipes behind it.

But if your Strawberry SC is not produced by Real Flavors you have a problem :sweat_smile:

If they are the same Chinese SC’s that Vaping Zone and Juice Factory are selling you could lump them together with one of those because they are the same.

Unfortunately, there are almost no entries.
At least not for the Strawberry, VZ has the most entries for other SC flavours.

Strawberry SC without any other name behind it hardly has info or recipes behind it either.


Right, but the closest to that name is all lower case, but with 13 recipes showing. That would be the logical choice if it were capitalized.
Maybe @Ken_O_Where can fix that fucker?


Right! That’s the same as what I wrote above (or should be)… folks also don’t understand how the database “auto-translates” the acronym for the full name (in most cases, though there are exceptions of course).

For example:
In one case, it may show RF in your flavor stash, and when you click on the flavor, it’ll show the full “Real Flavors” in the detailed section of the flavor entry.

I’m sure this has only added to some confusion when people enter things, because it doesn’t do what they thought, so they re-enter (adding a new flavor to the database), etc etc.


And not to derail my own thread but some user, at some point had the opportunity to enter the initial name for that as a new flavor before the correct syntax could be entered.


I’ll get with you when I get home… :wink:


Unfortunately, to add to the confusion you have this one. :confused:


Right. and that dupe WILL be merged. :wink:


Shit, we can spend all day just on all the confusing names. But I digress…


But, But , i thought we spelled out Real Flavors? Strawberry (SC) (Real Flavors) :grimacing:


Me Too! Seemed to have the most recipes associated with them in this format.
This poses another question if someone can answer. If they are input into my stash this way and the system changes the abbreviations for them, will I lose them from my stash? Will they still be associated with the notes for these flavorings? This may be a dumb question because i have never claimed to be to bright! :exploding_head:


No, theoretically its all good once they are merged and as @Sprkslfly mentioned u wouldnt know which it is when redirected because of the merge.


AFAIK they get merged so no.


No. Not unless they’re “freakishly, outlandishly” wrong (and even then, they usually get merged into the proper listing/format.)

I have confirmed (a couple of times) recently that notes do get merged. :wink:


So just to follow up…this chinese SC Strawberry is one that I received from BCF and would like to add it to my stash.
In the Flavor List my guess is it is the one with 13 recipes next to it but it’s all lowercase. I would appreciate it if a mod could maybe add the appropriate capitalization and somehow a mfr reference. Then I’ll be able to sleep at nite…K?


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Ooh! here was a thinking here’s another thread about another flavour that I’m unlikely to buy (especially not after just received 63 more interesting flavours in the post. Yeah, no kidding! I shall post a pic in the Vapemail thread. if I can only lay my hands on my freaking camera)

But I go ahead click on it anyway, cos I’m in one of those procrastinating moods. And real life just turned somewhat shitty, like it does.

And it turns out to be all about syntax!


Can we have the word “syntax” ( in brackets perhaps? or…oh ! by all means suit yourself :laughing:) in the title? so all the other syntax heads find can find and enjoy it?

*as she rabidly works on correcting her typos, quickly, before anybody notices *

In terms of the database, yeah it’s all about syntax I suppose. But syntax aka naming conventions doesn’t mean squat if nothing is done about it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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