Sugar Alcohols Ruined My Health

Apart from it coming out of the bottom, it’s hard to pinpoint.
Stress is a very important factor, as it is with everything. That’s why I don’t follow the news and such.
Proper food of course. No fast food, snacks and prepared meals. Make your own.
It’s more work, but it’s worth it. Plenty of fibres too.
The problem with all that refined stuff is that there’s nothing left in it for your body to use as a food source.
It will then convert it all to sugar, which will create a whole barrage of problems.
Have you noticed @muth that they also put sugar, or sugar substitutes, in tins of cat food and dog treats?
I avoid those like the plague.


I never saw sugar or substitutes in canned cat food but it could have been so disguised that I missed it, idk. But in the beginning when all I could afford was inexpensive cat food for Nikko, I wonder if I did him harm and feel awful about it. I was cooking for him in the later years, especially when I found out he was eating steak at my neighbor’s :astonished: !


They are usually the best. It’s the brands like Whiskas and such that put sorbitol or sugar in their food.
It’s Mars that owns that isn’t it? They know all about sugar addiction.
They want our pets addicted to their food.

Years ago, there was a sudden recall of most cat food. The only thing left was the cheap stuff I used to buy at that time.
They never really came out publicly with information why the food was recalled.
I picked up bits and pieces about it being infected with BSE.

Just because you pay more, doesn’t mean they don’t sell you crap. The crap they add costs money too.
Simple is best.
On top of that they are greedy fuckers that just want to enrich themselves over everybody’s back.


Don’t I know it. I never went out and got the most expensive cat food I could find because, like you said, that can be crap too. I just did research and then read every effing thing on that label. People who own pets are driven mad by all these pet product scheisters. Nikko’s favorite toy was a bamboo stick with a cotton string tied to it, a ping pong ball and a Mousie with catnip in it. All the 50 other fancy toys people gave him ended up in a basket.


My orange striped tabby named Cheeto looks and acts like @Stankhammer 's./ His favorite is a amazon box but he’s fond of brown paper grocery bags. :rofl: He doesn’t need toys. He just goes out back and kills something.


I get my dog treats from an online shop in the Netherlands. It’s all untreated. None of that pressed, bleached cow skin.
When she gets cow skin, the hair and blood is still very much present.
People tend not to like it because it stinks.
The dog loves it. The more it stinks, the better. As for toys, chewing sticks is one of her favourite things.
Very handy when you need something pruned. Lost gloves are also one of her favourite things.

The cat is almost 19 years old. She only wants to eat Felix soup and Gourmet mousse.
They tend to get picky when old.
At this stage I don’t think it matters much. She won’t live forever.
She would get the occasional mouse in my old place. Which wasn’t all that hard, the place was festooned with them.
I haven’t seen any of them here, so Felix and Gourmet it is.


A box in a box with a sweater is even better.

This were her better days.


That was my Nikko, too. On his last legs (bless his wee socks) and I believe his last gift, was a rabbit. No, he bagged two rabbits before he died. Probably one for each of us. He was such a gentleman :smile:


I’m told, and I believe it, that when they bring you a kill its high, high affection. Cheeto is the best mouser I’ve ever had. However, he uses the dog flap door and brings the things in and leaves them in front of my desk chair. I’ve started countless days that way. LOL.


Very good to know this, thanks! I eat a lot of Smart Carb ice cream with having diabetes. It contains sugar alcohol. I wondered what that was. Now I have a better understanding of what this is. I don’t really have any stomach issues so far at 62 but am sad to hear that many do.


Thx for the response. I’m glad you got some useful information from it.


There are so many things that can cause gut issues.
I had pretty sudden onset of gastro issues a few years ago.
I did the fodmap diet and figured it was dairy, so moved to oat milk etc.
After about 12 months I developed sharp right-side chest pain at the bottom of my ribs, it would happen every night after dinner, after lunch while I was at work (cleaner).
I thought I was pulling muscles at work.
Eventually speaking to one of the nurses at work, she suggested Gall Bladder issues - had it investigated and Yes! I had an enormous gallstone about the size of a small birds egg. I had the stone and the gallbladder removed.
It was the gallbladder trying to work after eating that caused the pain and obviously things weren’t working properly that caused the gastro issues.
Since I had it out my issues have resolved but I can’t eat too much fatty food (but I never really could, I used to always feel sick if I ate fatty food).

Only other time I’ve had gastro issues was around the time of my Graves’ diagnosis, being hyperthyroid everything in your body runs at full speed until your levels even out.


Me too :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I’ve been in remission but need to see my doc again for bloodwork. I see him every 6 months. It’s a f’d up disease, isn’t it?


That is really interesting. That may be whats causing my gut issues. I never put it together that galbladder could be causing my lower gut problems. Whats weird is all my tests over the last year came up with gallbladder ok but my last recent specialized mri says gallstones.


The stones will make you miserable. I had my gallbladder removed about 30 years ago and it made a huge difference.


I havent really had any gallbladder pain yet but maybe its coming. My mother had her gallbladder removed 2 years ago after having bad gallstone. She was in so much pain


I had digestion problems…acid reflux, nausea etc. The pain came on after having some hot southern barbecue, six or 8 beers, some watermelon, and topped it off with some Mexican food and tequila. Emergency room time :laughing:


Yep. Affects so much… I’ve been symptomatic for the two years treatment but I keep being told “your bloods are good” and sent on my way. Currently investigating other causes… on my own with no help from drs.
I’m due for bloods too, antibodies were close to remission levels in Oct last year so :crossed_fingers:
I hope you get good results too :hugs:

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I thought I had inherited my dads “ibs” at the time & even once the pain started it was never severe pain, just chronic after eating :woman_shrugging:
He still doesn’t have a proper diagnosis and this is many years later :woman_shrugging:

He always asks me about my balance and my answer is fine but lately I’ve been noticing a bit of balance problems like when I lean over to put on shoes while standing up. It’s not a physical imbalance, I feel it in my head…weird.

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