Thanks for that link muth. Yes you are right, that is why it is used, it seems that it is too aggressive though?
My treatment is similar to block and replace but they use much lower doses.
I started on 15mg Carbimazole (Methimazole) and then reduced to 10mg then added in Thyroxine 50mg alternate days then 100 one day, 50 the next.
My understanding is that the longer you stay on Methimazole the better as it also has an immunomodulatory effect on the antibodies.
Seems to be working - except I have been symptomatic the whole time (ongoing cogfog/fatigue/sob/heartpalpitations).
I haven’t swung completely hypo on this treatment and have now been on it two years.
Antibodies have continued to come down and eye symptoms have also eased.
I believe (but cannot find evidence) that this treatment is being used because I also have Thyroid Eye Disease and the antibodies have to come down for that to resolve.
Our local doctors are called GP’s (General Practitioners) - I think that’s the same as your PCP’s?
I do see an Endocrinologist and he prescribed the treatment. Unfortunately he never had appointments available to discuss my treatment (he would just phone me with results/instructions & that never gave me time to discuss any of my concerns).
On this treatment, blood are only taken monthly until you’re euthyroid and then 3 monthly or more apart (I have learn’t this by experience).
My GP at the time who kept telling me “I don’t understand your treatment” would always refer me to the Endo (& I couldn’t get an appointment/appointment wasn’t due for three months).
After ignoring that I was vitamin D deficient for at least three months (confirmed and treated by the fisrt Endo) the GP eventually said to get a second opinion/change Endo.
So I was transferred to one in the same practice as the first who “was willing to keep me on the same treatment”.
I get appointments with him but whenever I mention I am symptomatic, he tells me there is not reason for this refers me back to the GP who does nothing.
I left that GP and have since spent 18 months trying to find another which is difficult as they are few and far between out here in no-mans land.
I have been trying to learn as much as I can to manage as much as I can myself and trying to ascertain what my symptoms are related to (I also have epilepsy/CPTSD/endometriosis/perimenopause) and whether they can be resolved.
As I was getting nowhere with GP’s, I have since returned to a psychiatrist who consults locally an he is helping me investigate these things (not his actual job but he listens and is helpful so far).
I don’t have a regular GP, the new clinic I go to is only staffed by Locum GP’s - a different one every month.
I am having blood taken next week and will see a (random) GP the week after to get my results.
antibodies have continued to lower and have not been aggravated by the shingles.
What treatment are you on?
(edit - sorry I wrote a novel