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I dislike vaping most booze concentrates… there are maybe 2 I’ll use… the booze column for me is going to be a bit wonky lol

Lemon and no lime… you can work the lime in :slight_smile:


Thank you my friend :smiling_face: I hear you about the booze so can I use gin instead of vodka? :grin: At least gin has flavor to it.


:beers: looking forward to your gin and squirt recipe :yum:


If they don’t mind me subbing gin for vodka. It wasn’t in the booze column. Will you be mixing a cocktail too? There are so few mixers who specialize in it. Not that I do but I’ve made a few along the years.


Not I!
I enjoy mixing for myself.
Competitive mixing just not a thing for me. Not only that. Ive been trying for years to stay down around 200 flavorings. With all of the flavor companies popping up and going under in recent years. I just am not willing to chase them.
I will miss “Noted”. It was such a valuable tool for sorting through whats what!
On the bright side we still have @SessionDrummer !


I hear you about the hundreds of flavors. But it’s not my understanding that Mixers Almanac is some sort of contest. It’s just an exercise in flavor experimentation, a way to challenge mixers to do something out of their comfort zone. Sounds like fun. Think about it, sounds like we’ll be trying something different each time. I mainly mix for myself too, btw.


Its an interesting concept and I will be watching!


@xxanalogxx, very agreed…

Well, it’s hard to argue with THAT !!!



Exactly this!


@Lynda_Marie can two flavors be picked from the same column?


@muth yes absolutely 2 from the same column is fine!


Up to eight flavors! Got to come from the four colors. Simple answer would be yes.


Above, @EyeMSam said 4-5 flavors plus the main. That totals six. Where do you see colors? I must have missed something but that’s surely possible. If you mean columns instead of colors (typo?), there’s a total of six columns on the chart. Above is just a partial screenshot. It’s from this:


Columns* i bet, not colors lol you can pick 2 from the same column but you still have to hit all the pairings lolol so Double nut doesnt replace spice/booze

Have you seen the fb page and pinned rules yet?

Don’t forget to #TMA your recipe if you played along!


Not a big FB user fan, so no. I did create some recipes? What day are we playing?


@EyeMSam Lol, I see recipes that have flavors not even on the chart. Can we do that? I don’t remember that being said.


@fidalgo_vapes lol, I was referring to the thumbprint :rofl:


@Lynda_Marie would you mind posting the rules here so I don’t have to log in to FB? Thx You know what, I can do that unless you have a custom image of it for the show. I’ll post a plain easy readable one for now.


Copy of rules for the Mixer’s Almanac Show:

  1. We work down column 1, in order.

  2. In each row, are 5 additional columns. You MUST pick minimum 1 pairing from “FRUITS”, and minimum 1 pairing from “MISC” columns. You may choose more than 1.

  3. You may choose additional fruit notes that are not on the list, as long as they are in ADDITION to what is on the list. (I.e. raspberry is not a fruit pairing for apple, but lemon is. So you may use apple and lemon AND raspberry, but not just for instance Flavorah Apple Ras. You must hit the list before adding. You could use FLV Apple Ras as long as you include a pairing from the “FRUIT” column, like lemon.)

  4. You MUST use 4 total out of the 5 sub columns. (Which means, 2 of the 3 middle columns: i.e. a nut and a booze, or, a booze and a spice, or, a spice and a nut. You may hit all 3 middle columns if you feel inspired to do so, but only 2 are required.)

  5. Not every Column needs to be a main note. They can be accent or utility notes.

  6. If you wish to use pairings from your secondary profile fruit’s columns, you may do so, as long as it is in ADDITION to your primary profile fruit’s pairings.

  7. You must keep your recipe to 8 flavors or less, plus (+) sweetener.

  8. There is no percentage (%) limit.

  9. Adapt and improvise! (Ginger = Gingerbread Cookies / Tequila = Cactus / Butter and Vanilla = shortbread, custard, pudding, pancakes / Caramel = Toffee, Dulce de Leche, RY4.) If it makes sense, and isn’t just a workaround, do it! We want to learn from this!

  10. If you don’t have enough flavors to hit every column, that’s fine! Play however deep you can! If you #TMA a recipe, please include all your thoughts and process in your notes and why you may have skipped a column, combined profiles into 1 flavor, and the overall idea!


@Lynda_Marie @EyeMSam
May I use a type of Sugar instead of Sweetener?