Sweetener for Less Gunk

Can’t help you there, I’m DTL, maybe @Ianc13 is around and could chime in…
As far as “store bought” commercial juice, I used to cut them in half with base because those would definitely kill my coils :ok_hand:


Cheers @Rocky02852.

@Ricks, in my current rotation I use 6 OG Berserkers, 3 Brunhilde MTL RTA’s and a couple of other RTA’s. All my builds are 3.0mm ID 26 or 28 Ga and are usually SS316L or occasionally KA1. I usually aim for 1 ohm or higher unless using TC which varies down to 0.5 ohms at times.

Some of my juices don’t affect wicking for weeks, others start to get gunky after a few days. I mainly vape dessert/bakery profiles and predominantly custards and cheesecakes. I never use any sweetener, but find that mixes that are naturally sweet, or require long steep times, seem to gunk up the cotton/coils quite quickly.

I also do my mixes at either 70VG/30PG or even 80VG/20PG. The RTA’s can certainly handle this ratio if the wicking is right and I find the inherent sweetness of the VG means I do not need to add any sweetener to the mix. I do not use tobacco at all but it is possible the commercial juice you were using had different tobacco flavours and/or sweetener than you are using for your DIY.


I see you like Berserkers… You should try the V2. I love it more than the OG one. It’s better in many ways…

I have tried around 8 different sweeteners and they all gunk up my gear. I can’t get more than 2 to sometimes 4 (if I’m lucky) refills in any of my 2ml RTA’s. This is why I started this thread.


Interesting, strange you only get that long… perhaps let us know what the tobaccos are and someone may be able to rule that out.

I like the OG one because I use them all with 7ml bubble glass so I don’t have to fill so often. The V2 just doesn’t have the capacity for me.


I had my OG Berserker in 4ml size and with the bubble and I just like the flavor more from shorter tanks. I also found that my liquids would turn dark in larger capacities. Got dark even with store bought liquids. I vape about 4 to 6ml a day on average.


My tobacco flavoring is Hangsen USA Mix

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Yeah, the darkness must be a tobacco thing because my mixes don’t go dark in the tank. I vape 20ml or more a day though…

Not sure about Hangsen tobacco, hopefully someone else will know.

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Capella Extra Sweet. (Neotame)

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Where can I buy it. Sounds like good stuff. I’m using Capella super sweet now but there’s a fine line when using it I’ve found. The amount you need to get the desired taste is within a quarter gram from ruining it.


Bought it at Chefs

But you can also buy it at NomNomz


I got the Sugar Daddy and made a 10ml bottle of my tobacco base and added 5 drops of this Thick Sweet Smelling Liquid in it… Pretty strong sweet flavor so far. I will have to try it in my Berserkers for the real test. Thanks for the suggestion. It’s in my top 3 sweeteners now.


Does the Ricks Sugar Daddy sweetener go bad over time after it’s opened?


Where can I find some more of this?


@Ricks Ordered some from OSDIY last night


You must have bought the last one… It says sold out now. Thanks anyway

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Hi @Ianc13 a friend of mine piffed me his Berserkers and I haven’t really looked into them yet. There are two kinds he sent me. Does the OG come with a 7 ml bubble glass?


@Ricks I purchased 3, once they are delivered, I’d be willing to part with one of them if they are still out of stock.


That’s very nice of you but I still have some. I was just looking for restocking it in my stash… Thanks anyway.


Hi @muth the OG comes with a 2ml and a 4ml with a chimney extender. I got the 7ml glass from a retailer here who has since shut down I think due to our crazy new laws.

Perhaps just do a search online and see if there is a supplier your way, they were not a specific product for the retailer I got them from so there should be more around.


I really miss Fasttech for things like that. They had a dedicated thread for bubble glass replacements. People posted measurements for all of them, helping to find bubble glass to fit tanks that weren’t even made for bubble glass. So are you saying that a 7 ml glass was made especially for the OG Bskr or that a particular one just happens to fit?