Tank and Coils

Anyone have suggestions for a reasonably price tank and more importantly reasonably priced coils. I had an Ultimo for about 3 weeks and it died, between Sweet-Vapes and Joyetech I can feel the pain now. All they can do it point the finger at each other and say not me. So nothing from Joyetech please if you do suggest

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Size? Wattage range?


I’ve read and heard a lot of good things about the Tobeco Super Tank/Super Tank Mini. The tank is inexpensive and takes coils from Tobeco and a few other manufacturer as well. I’m strictly an RTA guy, but if I needed a tank with factory coils tomorrow it’s what I would buy.

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gallons if possible. lmao wattage range 30 to 300, well I doubt I’ll ever vape that high but honestly I vape a out 45 to 65 depending on juice, mod and tank. I don’t want any RBA RDA. or RA’s Just a good reliable tank I can use for more than a month and don’t have to go into hock for a package of coils

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I vape a lot so coil life is subjective. I pretty much exclusively use rebuildables now but when I was vaping on sub ohm tanks I really enjoyed the Original Cleito. I got great results with the 0.4 Standard Coils and the 0.4 SS316 Coils at 55-65 watts. They would last me 2 to 3 weeks but as I said I vape a lot. Like 25ml to 30ml a day. I never had any issues with leaking or the vapor lock that people talk about. The coils are $13 to $15 for a 5-Pack from most online shops.


I really love the Ultimo but I feel like I’m getting jerked around with the warranty from Joyetech, I bought it from Sweet-Vapes and when contacted them they will only honor the warranty for get this 24 hours. Joyetech says 90 days but they tell me I have to go through the vendor I bought it from. So basically I’m screwed. I’ve sent the pics and a vid they asked for and nowithey’re gonna send them off to the R & D dept. by the time they get around to it I will have moved on to something else. It just pisses me off. Damn when I got my Maganus I vaped it non stop for two years and would still be vaping it but the coils have gotten stupid expensve

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my fave tank

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ive seen these and thought about it for my GF since she cant tell the diff between the Rafale and the OG Crown plus she ruins everything she uses so these may be good for how cheap they were

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I’m hard on atomizers as well-I’ve got nerve damage in my neck that hits both hands, so I tend to drop things from time to time. When it’s really bad, my hands will jerk and whatever they’re holding tends to fly across whatever space I’m occupying. Needless to say, I’ve broken my share. That’s why I’ve been eyeing the ST/ST Mini. Who knows how many coils I’ve got left in my hands(I use rebuilding as an additional exercise in dexterity) so I’ve been on the lookout for a decent tank that doesn’t take 1.21 gigawatts to power.


How does one know when to change out coils? I have several tanks with fused Clapton that are almost 3 months old, is that unusual?


My rule of thumb is if they stay black after you’ve burned them off change them I’ve got loads of tanks in rotation (or more the one I’m going to vape the crap out of this week) most of my coils are SS 2or3 core Clapton but if your banging away on the same tank all day I say about a month depending on how sweet your juice is my single coil rda’s I change about this time but they do get 10 ml though them a-day for a week anyway stop being tight it’s cheaper than the stinky thing’s and there is some good cheap coils out there hope that helps ya


@Grabbo It helps a lot, I have a lot of tanks in rotation also and they all still burn off very well when I re-wick them.


Do these settings seem right?

What ID would be best using SS316 26ga wire and wanting to achieve about .15-.18 ohms to use at 65 watts

Thank you for your help


Yep looks right to me, I take your on a regulated mod that will check it out for you


And yep for the 3 mm inner if you got room


@Grabbo I was building coils for my SC Aromamizer V3 on my Hadron DNA mod.
Thanks for the help!


Yeah, I use 3mm ID on my MTL builds. Should have room on a RDL or DL surely…