Taste Testing Are you a Super Taster?

https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2018-08-21/supertaster-non-taster-test-your-tongues-bumps/10139528 Can’t remember what person brought this up but of course, I had to do it LOL.

I hate to say it I’m just average LOL 28 was my number. What’s yours? (Blue Food coloring on the tongue sucks btw)
" 15 - 35 papillae = Average taster (50 per cent of the population) Average tasters are the luckiest, and most common, of the lot. At 50 per cent of the population, they are easy to please and enjoy most food."


Hahaha it was me on the YT show @authormichellehughes when I did it I counted 34. I just need you to post some pics now :crazy_face:


Thanks Simon you’re the reason my tongue was blue… I am SO not posting my tongue pictures… that’s vulgar hahahhahah kidding. I made my daughter take the picture and count, and she thought I was nuts.


Whoa I am a super taster


Then I guess we should expect some NOTES!!! or maybe you should be on Michelle’s channel when she gets it up and running. (said in a respectful tone)

I guess I need to go find some blue food coloring. I’ll be back (said in a terminator accent)

Apparently I am a super taster. Which both makes and don’t makes sense. I do tend to love salt which they say “masks certain tastes”. I love my coffee but with lots of sugar ( cuts the bitterness) and cream which just makes it better. :wink: I mean, doesn’t cream make everything better?

I didn’t believe I was a super-taster so I did the test several times and now have blue food coloring on just about everything.

That was fun. Thanks for the Post @authormichellehughes


Is there something like super smellers as well? Would be nice to have a test for that.
I remember having a colleague who had no smell at all. One day he unknowingly had a little accident with his cologne and he couldn’t figure out why everybody kept within a safe distance from him…


LOL The blue tongue is a sign of great wisdom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I had an ex like that. Of course it was his own fault he couldn’t smell which is the reason he’s my ex…


There are tastebuds in the nose, so may still be a matter of taste


I had this tested earlier, as part of a v thorough return-to-work exam. They found 54, and that I like slushies


I am happy to say that while my sense of taste is quite reasonable… years of eating chilli-con-carne and curries - hot enough to make you sweat - have dulled them to the point that my food tasting ability is shot to hell. Yet oddly enough I can taste my vapes (fruit flavours) and sweet/fruity things in general quite well. Sense of smell however is nearly non existent after many years of baby (the fruit of my loins and also my Granddaughter’s) nappy changing. Now I could work in a pig farm and not smell out, lol.